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Recreation Schedules
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Property Taxes
Learn about your property tax, how it is calculated, billed & payment options available. Tax bills are mailed twice per year with installments due on the last working day of February, April, June & September.
HSR Transit
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Waste Collection Calendars
When is your next curbside collection day? Search by address to confirm your waste collection day and what materials are being collected.
Pay Tickets, Fines or Penalties
Got a parking ticket? Learn about the tickets, fines & penalties in Hamilton and the process for paying.
Older Adults 55+ Services
The City offers a variety of programs and resources for adults ages 55 years and older living in Hamilton.
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Impacts of postal disruption
Vacant Unit Tax Update
Due to the impacts of the postal disruption, the Vacant Unit Tax declaration timelines will be amended (originally scheduled to begin in January), as notice letters about the program could not be mailed as scheduled.
We are working to determine next steps and committed to delivering a successful Vacant Unit Tax program rollout that provides a positive customer experience. More details will be shared in January following Council’s direction.