Garner Road (Wilson St to Hwy 403 Off Ramp)

If you have any questions, comments or want to be added to the study mailing list, contact:
Megan Salvucci, Project Manager
Capital Infrastructure Planning
Call 905-546-2424 ext. 2732
Email [email protected]
The City has initiated the Class EA process along Garner Road (Wilson Street to the Highway 403 off-ramp) to improve transportation infrastructure. Falling along the S-Line of the BLAST Rapid Transit Network, the study will ensure that the transit priority corridor supports multi-modal (pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles) safety, capacity, traffic management and consistency with neighbouring road segments on Garner Road. The project will also look at stormwater management, complete streets and servicing improvements needed along the road.
Location: Garner Road (Wilson Street to Highway 403 off ramp)
Study status: Active
Classification: Schedule C