Justin Lewis, Director
Email [email protected]

Affordable Housing Development Project Stream
The Project Stream will help organize new affordable housing construction projects to meet the objectives set out in the Housing Sustainability & Investment Roadmap.
The newly formed Housing Secretariat Division of the City of Hamilton embraces a “Whole of Hamilton” approach to identify and facilitate housing solutions that result in safe, affordable, rental and ownership housing for lower-income residents. Creating and maintaining affordable housing is one of the City of Hamilton’s key priorities and is clearly outlined in the Housing Sustainability & Investment Roadmap (HSIR).
City Council established the Housing Secretariat through the adoption of the HSIR in April 2023. The Office reports to the General Manager, Healthy & Safe Communities with a mandate to work effectively with housing stakeholders.
The Roadmap focuses on four pillars of activity; new construction, acquisition of at-risk affordable housing, preservation of existing affordable housing and increasing the provision of housing-based supports. Progress on these four pillars will be accomplished by:
- Delivering new construction and acquisition, federal, provincial, and municipal affordable housing, affordable rental, and ownership housing, revitalize communities, and create employment.
- Working with the Housing Services Division as Municipal Service Manager and with other City divisions to ensure the effective and efficient use of City, provincial and federal investments, in line with city priorities and other legislative and policy frameworks such as Housing & Homelessness Action Plan.
- Supporting the Mayor, and the City of Hamilton’s Senior Leadership Team in providing strategic intergovernmental relations advice on housing and homelessness issues.
- We acknowledge and respect that each sector has a different role and unique opportunities to contribute to improved outcomes related to affordable housing.
- We will be action-oriented and prioritize immediate and near-term actions while at the same time building a future-focused roadmap to guide our long-term efforts.
- We will use the HSIR to better leverage our collective efforts to optimize resources, investments, and outcomes.
- We will be courageous about change that is needed, have honest conversations, and hold each other accountable to working in new ways.
- We recognize that each sector is approaching this work voluntarily and may need to make decisions that others do not agree with. While we will strive for shared vision, appropriate contributions, and commitments, this is not work by consensus. Leaders and governing bodies hold ultimate decision-making for their own organizations.
- We will use the HSIR and process within it to build capacity in individuals and teams, so we have increased expertise in the various components and functions required to create and maintain affordable housing.

Housing Accelerator Fund
The Housing Accelerator Fund Program is propelling housing development in the City of Hamilton through seven (7) strategic initiatives.