2016 - 2025 Strategic Plan
The 2016 - 2025 Strategic Plan is a 10-year plan and includes:
- Vision represents what we aspire to be
- Mission identifies why we exist as an organization
- Culture outlines how we conduct ourselves (our values)
- Strategic Plan Priorities that provide guidance on broad desired outcomes for all City Services
Informed by Council, the community and City of Hamilton leadership and employees, the 2016 - 2025 Strategic Plan incorporated more than 3,200 staff conversations and nearly 55,000 resident conversations that took place as part of the Our Future Hamilton: Communities in Conversation initiative (2015), that asked one simple question, “What is your vision for the future of Hamilton?”.

Our Vision
The City’s vision “To be the best place to raise a child and age successfully” reflects the kind of city Hamiltonians want to aspire to become.
It means having an inclusive community, actively engaged in making Hamilton a better place for everyone. It is creating an accessible environment, supporting residents through all of life’s stages, and one that encourages positive development of children as they grow towards becoming healthy adults and seniors.
Our Mission and Our Culture
The City’s mission, “To provide high quality cost conscious public services that contribute to a healthy, safe and prosperous community, in a sustainable manner”, provides the context for the delivery of City services across all our priorities. Our culture guides the conduct, behaviours and actions to which we hold each other accountable.
The culture of an organization has a major impact on the performance and reputation of an organization. It reflects the City’s values, drives high performance and engenders the trust and confidence of our citizens. Our culture was developed by a cross-section of employees with diverse backgrounds and experiences, from front-line to senior management and was endorsed by City Council through its adoption into the Strategic Plan. The culture revolves around five pillars:
- Collective Ownership - We cooperate and collaborate; we support teamwork and breaking down silos. We build relationships across departments and divisions to achieve our objectives and bring the ideas of others forward. Each and all of us understand that what we do affects the work of others and the results we achieve. We are one City with one vision and one mission, serving our citizens and stakeholders.
- Steadfast Integrity- We build trust and demonstrate integrity in our work. We are direct and truthful individuals, accountable for doing what is right. We can be trusted to perform in an accountable and respectful manner.
- Courageous Change - We embrace innovation, creativity and risk taking. We support, discuss and proceed with innovative ideas and actions to continuously improve our service delivery. We make evidence-based recommendations.
- Sensational Service - We are passionate about customer service and service delivery excellence. We take a citizen-centred approach to providing exceptional service in a timely and responsive manner. We communicate in an open and transparent manner, especially when mistakes occur. We take pride in our work as public servants, serving our community. Performance measurement is a cornerstone to our service delivery.
- Engaged and Empowered Employees - We invest in our employees, support and empower them to improve performance and be accountable for results. We communicate clear purpose and direction, build relationships through ongoing communication, regularly invite input and feedback, and treat employees equitably. We create a work environment where there is continual development, respect and recognition. Our employees are trusted, inspired to do their best work, and would not hesitate to recommend the City of Hamilton as a great place to work.
Strategic Plan Priorities
By adopting the Our Future Hamilton priorities, and adding a seventh priority focused on supporting our employees, the City illustrated its commitment to the achievement of the community vision, Our Future Hamilton and captured all services provided by the City of Hamilton. The 2022 - 2026 Council Priorities can be found within the 2016 - 2025 Strategic Plan Priorities.
- Community Engagement & Participation - Hamilton has an open, transparent and accessible approach to City government that engages with and empowers all citizens to be involved in their community.
- Economic Prosperity & Growth - Hamilton has a prosperous and diverse local economy where people have opportunities to grow and develop.
- Healthy & Safe Communities - Hamilton is a safe and supportive city where people are active, healthy, and have a high quality of life.
- Clean & Green - Hamilton is environmentally sustainable with a healthy balance of natural and urban spaces.
- Built Environment & Infrastructure - Hamilton is supported by state of the art infrastructure, transportation options, buildings and public spaces that create a dynamic City.
- Culture & Diversity - Hamilton is a thriving, vibrant place for arts, culture, and heritage where diversity and inclusivity are embraced and celebrated.
- Our People & Performance - Hamiltonians have a high level of trust and confidence in their City government.