Urban Hamilton Official Plan

For UHOP Questions
Planning Division
City Hall, 4th Floor
Call 905-546-2424 ext. 6789
Email [email protected]
UPDATE: On December 6, 2023, Bill 150, the Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 received royal assent enacting the Official Plan Adjustments Act, 2023.
The legislation results in all but three of the provincial modifications made on November 4, 2022, to Rural Hamilton Official Plan Amendment 34 and Urban Hamilton Official Plan Amendment 167, to accommodate population and job growth to the year 2051, as having never been made. The effect of this legislation includes restoring the no urban boundary expansion growth strategy approved by City Council in June 2022.
Staff are in the process of updating both the Urban Hamilton Official Plan and Rural Hamilton Official Plan to reflect the new legislation.
Additional information, including the City’s response to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) announcement and the introduction of Bill 150 can be found on the City’s Provincial Planning Matters Page.
Effective Date: August 16, 2013 except for policies, schedules, maps and appendices that are still under appeal by the OMB | MMAH Approved: March 16, 2011 | Adopted by Council: July 9, 2009
The Urban Hamilton Official Plan applies to the lands in the urban area of the City.
The urban boundary defines the area where all urban development occurs. Lands within the urban boundary are already serviced or planned to be serviced with major roads, transit and full municipal services. The land within the urban boundary includes both the area within the built-up area and greenfield area. Lands within the urban boundary represent a 20 year supply of designated urban land and are intended to accommodate the majority of the City’s projected growth.

Policies, Schedules & Appendices Under Appeal
Policies & Maps Remaining Under Appeal
Parent Plan Policies
Sections listed with elements remaining under appeal. Policy number as modified by MMAH or Approved by OMB.
- Section A.1.0 - Hamilton’s Official Plan
- A.1.3 (bullet 4)
- A.1.6 (bullet 1)
- Section A.2.0 - Strategic Directions
- A.2.1
- A.2.4
- Section B.2.0 - Defining Our Communities
- B.2.1
- B.2.2
- B.2.3
- Section C.2.0 - Natural Heritage System
- Entire section only as it applies to 305 Stone Church Road West and 313 Stone Church Road East
- Section C.3.0 - General Land Use Provisions and Designations
- C.3.2.1 a) as it applies to 313 Stone Church Road East
- Section F.1.0 - Planning Act Implementation Tools
- F.1.1.10
- F.1.4.7 as it applies to 313 Stone Church Road East
- Section F.3.0 - Other Implementation Mechanisms
- F.3 (preamble)
- Chapter G - Glossary
- Municipally Initiated Comprehensive Review
- Significant Woodland (as it applies to 313 Stone Church Road East)
- Vegetation Protection Zone (as it applies to 313 Stone Church Road East)
- Woodlands (as it applies to 313 Stone Church Road East
Schedules and Appendices
* The southern urban boundary that generally extends from Upper Centennial Parkway and Mud Street East in the east, following the hydro corridor and encompassing the Red Hill Business Parkto Upper James Street remains under appeal, as shown on Schedule E-1 Urban Land Use Designations.
- Schedule B - Natural Heritage System
- 313 Stone Church Road East and lands bounded by Stone Church Road East, Upper Wellington Street, Lincoln M Alexander Parkway and Upper Wentworth Street.
- Schedule B-2 - Detailed Natural Heritage Features Significant Woodlands
- 313 Stone Church Road East and lands bounded by Stone Church Road East, Upper Wellington Street, Lincoln M Alexander Parkway and Upper Wentworth Street.
- Setting Sail Secondary Plan (Non-Decision Number 113)
- Volume 1 Schedules E
- Volume 1 Schedules: E-1
- Volume 2 Policies: Section B.6.5
- Volume 2 Schedules: B.6.5-1 to B.6.5-6
- 353 James Street North (Non-Decision Number 117a)
- Volume 1 Policies: B.2.0*, B.3.1.1, B.3.1.2 to B.3.1.4, B.3.1.5, B.3.2*, B.3.3*, B.3.5.3*, B.3.6*, B.3.7*, C.2.0*, C.3.2*,C.3.3*, C.4.5.8, C.4.5.15 to C.4.5.19, E.2.2.1, E.2.6*, E.2.7*, E.3.0*, E.5.0*, G
- Volume 1 Schedules: E, E-1
- Volume 2 Policies: B.6.5*
- Volume 2 Schedules: B.6.5-1 *Entire Policy Section appealed (i.e B.6.5.1 to B.