Woodlands Park

Ken Wheaton
Landscape Architectural Services
Call 905-546-2424 ext.2289
Email [email protected]

The City of Hamilton conducted consultation for the spray pad in Woodlands Park.
Construction Notice
Construction of the Woodlands Park spray pad will begin in May 2024 and is expected to be completed in late August 2024. Please refer to the aerial image on the webpage for the construction extents.
The work involves the construction of a spray pad, concrete walkway, sun shelter, seating, site furnishings, play features and signage. The park will remain open during construction, but access to some areas of the park will be limited. During this time you may experience some inconveniences such as noise, dust, and construction traffic. Every effort will be made to complete the work in a timely manner and to keep any inconvenience to a minimum. We kindly ask for your patience during this period.
Woodlands Park is an existing 2.13-hectare neighbourhood park located at 501 Barton Street East within Ward 3 in Hamilton.
It is one of the City's oldest parks and currently contains several amenities including a playground, outdoor fitness equipment, a soccer field, a multi-use court, a fieldhouse building and parking lot.
This project includes the addition of a spray pad, sun shelter, seating and associated works. The spray pad will be centrally located within the park, along the existing path.
Next Steps
The project has been tendered and awarded, construction will commence this spring. It is anticipated that the spray pad will be completed by the fall (weather depending).
For information on the community consultation and design process, please visit Woodlands Park Spray Pad | Engage Hamilton.