General Address Inquiries:
City of Hamilton
Legislative Approvals
Email [email protected]
Postal Code Inquiries:
Canada Post Customer Service
Call 1-800-267-1177 or visit www.canadapost.ca
The City of Hamilton is not responsible for postal codes.

We want to hear from you!
The City is creating a Municipal Addressing & Street Naming By-law. Currently, the City does not have a By-law to govern these matters.
The existing Municipal Addressing Policy & Street Naming Guidelines provide important direction on how municipal address numbers are assigned and how street names are determined, but they lack certain key components.
The City is responsible for the municipal addressing of all structures and properties in Hamilton. A number assigned by the Planning and Economic Development Department is considered the official municipal number regardless of any other number assigned by any other outside agency or City department.
Change or Request a New Municipal Number
To change or add a new municipal number you will need to:
Complete Change/Additional Address Request Form
Submit the request form by mail or in person to:
City of Hamilton
71 Main Street, Hamilton 6th Floor
Hamilton, Ontario, L8P 4Y5
Attention: Legislative Approvals/Staging of Development
Application fee: You will need to pay the $440 application fee when you submit the application. Fees are charged once per property.
Please contact City staff prior to submitting an application to ensure that your proposal is acceptable. If the application is accepted, the applicant will receive a confirmation notice letter in the mail. The applicant is responsible for ensuring the owner receives a copy of this notice for their records.
Farm 911 - Emergency Access Point (EAP) Program
The Farm 911 - EAP program improves emergency response to vacant farmland that does not have a municipal address.
A unique Farm 911 - EAP number will be assigned to vacant parcels of farmland that do not have a municipal address, helping emergency responders identify these properties more quickly, improving response times during critical situations.
Those who enroll will receive a red and white address sign installed prominently at the existing field access point.
One Farm 911 - EAP number will be assigned per existing access point. For large properties with multiple access points, separate Farm 911 - EAP numbers may be assigned to individual access points on the same property if it is deemed necessary to improve ease of identification. This requirement will be considered by staff, in conjunction with the applicant, when reviewing the Farm 911 - EAP application. For more details, review the Farm 911 EAP Policies tab.
Complete Farm 911 - EAP number Request Form
Submit the request form by email to [email protected] or by mail or in person to:
City of Hamilton
71 Main Street, Hamilton 6th Floor
Hamilton, Ontario, L8P 4Y5
Attention: Legislative Approvals/Staging of Development
Application fee: The signs and installation are free of charge.
Note: Installation of the Farm 911 - EAP sign can be completed by the City of Hamilton (at no charge) or by the property owner. If installation is completed by the City of Hamilton, the City reserves the right to schedule the installation as deemed appropriate based on operational requirements and weather conditions. If installation is completed by the property owner, the City shall provide specifications and instructions for installation, and the owner shall be responsible for obtaining utility locates prior to installation.
Hamilton's Municipal Addressing Policy
City staff will refer to these applicable policies when assigning new municipal numbering in Hamilton.