School Vaccine Clinics

For vaccine program information, including booking, records and nurse Infoline
Call 905-540-5250

Book an appointment
Appointments available for:
- Students in grade 7 and 8 who are unable to receive their vaccinations at their school clinic.
- Students from JK to grade 12 who do not have a health card and require routine childhood vaccinations.
Review the content below to learn more about the available vaccines and clinic locations.
If you are looking to book into a suspension clinic vaccine appointment, please visit
Frequently Asked Questions
No. Students can still catch-up on the second doses of both Hepatitis B and HPV. The second dose is recommended to be given a minimum of six months after the first dose, however having a longer than recommended interval between vaccine doses will still provide the same immunity. No students will need to start their vaccine doses over.
Hamilton Public Health Nurses visits Private and French Board schools if their grade 7 class has more than 10 students registered. If you attend a Private or French Board school that does not have a scheduled vaccination clinic, please book and appointment with us at our routine clinic or speak with your family health care provider about obtaining these vaccinations. If you have any questions, please call 905-540-5250 to speak with a nurse.
Yes, you will need to book an appointment to receive your vaccines.
You can book an appointment online or call 905-540-5250 to book an appointment over the phone.
If you are unable to attend the scheduled vaccine catch-up clinics, you may be able to receive the vaccines through your family doctor.
Yes, many health care providers can provide Hepatitis B, HPV and Meningococcal ACYW-135 vaccines. They are provincially funded and free of charge, however, these vaccines will have to be ordered for your child, so please contact your health care provider if you are interested in this option. If the vaccines were received through your family doctor, it is very important that these are reported to public health.
If you are unsure if your child has received Hepatitis B, Meningococcal or HPV vaccinations, contact your health care provider and/or check online. Vaccinations that were not administered at a public health clinic and not reported to public health will not show on the record.
It is very important that you report any vaccines received to public health. If your doctor or health care provider administered the vaccine, please report the vaccines received online.
If an individual received their first dose at their family doctors or health care providers office and would like a second dose, they can receive a second dose at this vaccine clinic. However, they must update their records online or bring proof of vaccine with them to their appointment.
Hamilton Public Health works with the Ministry of Health on the enforcement of mandatory vaccines under the Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA). Resuming in 2024, students who do not have up-to-date vaccinations, vaccine records on file or a valid exemption may be suspended from school. For more information visit Vaccines & Children