- Use the Search By-laws tool and enter a keyword (e.g. Fence) or a by-law number (e.g. 22-001).
- Narrow your search results by using the Category and Sort By filter options.
- Browse the search results. To view a PDF version, click on the by-law number and title of your choice.
The online listing is updated as City Council passes new by-laws.
Disclaimer: By-laws contained in this section have been prepared for the purpose of convenience only and are not certified true copies. Where available, office consolidated versions, combining the original By-law and any amendments, are provided for ease of use. For accurate reference, consult copies of the official By-laws and documents in the Records Division of the Office of the City Clerk.
For by-laws and documents that are not available in an electronic format, email [email protected].
The by-laws include those enacted, amended and repealed by City Council, as well as those enacted, amended and repealed by the Ontario Municipal Board, Ontario Land Tribunal or Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. The City of Hamilton provides online access to reference copies of current by-laws dating from 2004 to the present.
There may be one or more subject categories assigned to each by-law depending on context. Selecting a specific category can narrow your search.
By-laws are the official rules that define how the City is governed
Respecting Lands Located at 1370 Brock Road (Flamborough).
As amended, Respecting Lands Located at 307 and 325 Fiddler’s Green Road (Ancaster).
The Board Orders that the appeal is allowed and modified Zoning By-law 14-043 (entered into evidence as Exhibit 17 as supported by the Site Plan marked R5, entered into evidence as Exhibit 18) amending both the former City of Ancaster Zoning By-law No. 87-57 and the new City of Hamilton Zoning By-law No. 05-200, is approved.
This decision replaces By-law No. 14-043
OMB Case No. PL140316
OMB File Nos. PL140316, PL141081
Attachment 1 - As Amended, Respecting Lands Located at 104t West 5th Street, (Hamilton).
OMB Case No.:PL131311
OMB File No.: PL131312
Respecting Lands Located at 406 Pritchard Road, Hamilton.
Respecting General Text Amendments for Community Gardens and Urban Farms.
Respecting Lands Located at 950 and 956 South Service Road, Hamilton.
Respecting Lands Located at 55 Queenston Road (Hamilton).
Attachment 1 - Respecting Lands Located 1400-1428 Upper James Street
OMB Case No. PL130601
OMB File No. PL130601
As amended, Respecting Lands Located at 467 Charlton Avenue East (Hamilton).
Housekeeping Amendments.
Respecting Lands Located at 1910 Rymal Road East, Former Township of Glanbrook.
Respecting Lands Located at 620 South Service Road.
Respecting General Text Amendments for Aquaponics, Greenhouses, and Medical Marihuana Growing and Harvesting Facilities.
As amended, Respecting Lands Located at 121 Augusta Street, in the City of Hamilton
Respecting Lands Located at 1670 Garth Street (Hamilton)
Respecting Lands Located at 135-137 King Street East & 42 Passmore Street (Stoney Creek).
Respecting Lands Located at 3450 Binbrook Road (Glanbrook)
To Amend Zoning By-law No. 05-200 with Respect to Lands Located at 631 and 639 Rymal Road West, Hamilton. ZAC-22-028
Respecting Lands located at 1269 Mohawk Road (Ancaster). ZAC-19-006