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The online listing is updated as City Council passes new by-laws.
Disclaimer: By-laws contained in this section have been prepared for the purpose of convenience only and are not certified true copies. Where available, office consolidated versions, combining the original By-law and any amendments, are provided for ease of use. For accurate reference, consult copies of the official By-laws and documents in the Records Division of the Office of the City Clerk.
For by-laws and documents that are not available in an electronic format, email [email protected].
The by-laws include those enacted, amended and repealed by City Council, as well as those enacted, amended and repealed by the Ontario Municipal Board, Ontario Land Tribunal or Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. The City of Hamilton provides online access to reference copies of current by-laws dating from 2004 to the present.
There may be one or more subject categories assigned to each by-law depending on context. Selecting a specific category can narrow your search.
By-laws are the official rules that define how the City is governed
To Amend By-law No. 15-173 to Apply Special Exception 253 to Additional Properties to Permit a Landscape Contracting Establishment.
The Board ordered to dismiss CROP’s Phase 1 appeal in respect of Special Provision 253.
Special Exception 253 is in full force and effect referenced in Zoning By-laws 15-173 and 15-238. By-law No. 238 is now Final and Binding (as passed by Council).
OMB Case No. PL151130
OMB File No. PL151133
To Amend By-law No. 15-173 for Corrections and Additions to Rural Zones in Zoning By-law No. 05-200, as amended by By-law No. 15-173.
To Amend By-law No. 15-173 to Apply Special Exception 253 to Additional Properties to Permit a Landscape Contracting Establishment.
Attachment 1 - To Amend Zoning By-law No. 05-200, as amended, Respecting Lands Located at 1125 West 5th Street
- Re: Correcting Minor Errors
Respecting Lands Located at 82 Parkside Drive, Flamborough (ZAR-15-012)
Respecting Corrections to Definition of Model Home, Model Home Regulations, and Accessory Buildings in All Zones Regulations. CI-15-H
Respecting Lands Located at 220 Cannon Street East (Hamilton). ZAC-15-014/UHOPA 15-006
Respecting Lands Located at 470 Parkside Drive, in the former Town of Flamborough, now in the City of Hamilton (ZAC-13-055)
Respecting the Lands Located at 157 Parkside Drive.
As amended by By-law No. 15-173, to Apply Rural Zones to the lands generally bounded by Garner Road East, Highway 6 South, Glancaster Road, White Church Road, Carluke Road and Fiddler’s Green Road and the lands directly to the South of the Binbrook Urban Boundary.
Attachment 2
Respecting Lands Located at 435 First Road West, Stoney Creek. ZAC-13-005R
Respecting Lands Located at 212 Glover Road, Glanbrook (ZAR-14-034)
Attachment 1
Respecting Lands Located at 630 Rymal Road East, Hamilton (ZAC-14-033)
Respecting Lands Located at 108 James Street North and 111 and 115 Hughson Street North, Hamilton.
To Create New Zones for the Rural Area of the City of Hamilton.
Not Final and Binding
As amended, Respecting Lands Located at 301 Shaver Road (Ancaster).
Respecting General Text Amendment for an Urban Farmers Market.
Tab 4, Exhibit 74
To Amend By-law No. 05-200, To Create New Zones for the Airport Employment Growth District for the City of Hamilton
(This decision replace the Council Adopted By-law No. 10-288)
OMB Case No. PL110331