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- Browse the search results. To view a PDF version, click on the by-law number and title of your choice.
The online listing is updated as City Council passes new by-laws.
Disclaimer: By-laws contained in this section have been prepared for the purpose of convenience only and are not certified true copies. Where available, office consolidated versions, combining the original By-law and any amendments, are provided for ease of use. For accurate reference, consult copies of the official By-laws and documents in the Records Division of the Office of the City Clerk.
For by-laws and documents that are not available in an electronic format, email [email protected].
The by-laws include those enacted, amended and repealed by City Council, as well as those enacted, amended and repealed by the Ontario Municipal Board, Ontario Land Tribunal or Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. The City of Hamilton provides online access to reference copies of current by-laws dating from 2004 to the present.
There may be one or more subject categories assigned to each by-law depending on context. Selecting a specific category can narrow your search.
By-laws are the official rules that define how the City is governed
Respecting Lands Located at 558 Golf Links Road. ZAC-17-002/ UHOPA-17-002
Respecting Lands Located at 26 Upper Mount Albion Road, Stoney Creek. ZAC-17-023/ UHOPA-17-11
Respecting Lands Located at 680 Highway No. 8, Flamborough. ZAH-17-041
Respecting Lands Located at 5174 Berry Road, Glanbrook. ZAA-17-043
Respecting Lands Located at 1226 Sodom Road (Flamborough). ZAA-17-012
Respecting Lands Located at 49 Inksetter Road, Flamborough. ZAA-17-026
Respecting Lands Located at 1292 Old Highway No. 8, Flamborough. ZAH-17-052
Respecting Lands Located at 357 Wilson Street East, Ancaster. CI-17-005
Respecting Lands Located at 15 Queen Street South (Hamilton). ZAC-17-004
Respecting Lands Located at 1185 and 1210 York Boulevard (Hamilton). ZAR-17-003
Respecting Lands Located at 688 Stone Church Road East (rear portion) and 22 Pathfinder Court. ZAC-17-021
As amended by By-law 14-178, respecting lands located at 1910 Rymal Road East, in the City of Hamilton. ZAH-17-017
By repealing said By-law on Lands Located at 1215, 1217, 1219, 1221, 1227, 1229, 1231, 1235 and 1239 Barton Street (Stoney Creek). CI-17-D
LPAT-01 Attachment 1
To Amend Zoning By-law No. 05-200, Respecting Lands Located at Pier 8, 65 Guise Street East (Hamilton)Ward: 2
The Tribunal Orders that its Interim Order issued on December 10, 2019 is a Final Order and that the ZBA is hereby approved in the form appended hereto as Attachment 1.
LPAT Case No. PL170742
LPAT File Nos. PL170742, PL170743, PL170744
Attachment 1 - Respecting Lands Located on the North Side of Barton Street East between Nash Road North and Kenora Avenue, and on the West Side of Nash Road North between Barton Street East and Bancroft Street.
The Board Orders that the appeal is allowed in part and City of Hamilton Zoning By-law is modified in accordance with Attachment 1.
OMB Case No. PL170959
To Permit the Expansion of the Adjacent Mineral Aggregate Operation on Lands located at
- 582, 626, 632, 634 and 638 Brock Road,
- 790, 798, 822, 826 and 832 Concession 4 West, and
- 520, 526, 532, 536, 540, 542, 546, 550, 554, 559, 564, 565, 568, 580 and 588 Moxley Road (Flamborough).
Respecting Creative Industries in the Industrial and Institutional Zones.
As amended by By-law No. 74-29, Respecting Lands Located at 500-512 James Street North (Hamilton). ZAC-16-071
Respecting Lands Located at 398, 400, 402 Nash Road North and 30, 50, 54 Bancroft Street. CI-16-D
Respecting Lands Located at 360 and 410 Lewis Road, 1800 Upper James Street, and 2411 Upper James Street. CI-16-D