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Our current offering of updates include:
Notices & Alerts
*The frequency of notifications sent to subscribers occur as issues arise
Emergency Alerts & Advisories - Subscribe to receive updates in the event of a City emergency, major incident or potential labour disruptions.
Extreme Weather Alerts - Subscribe to receive updates when extreme weather conditions (heat, cold, snow events) hit Hamilton.
Mayor Decisions Updates - Subscribe to receive notice about mayoral decisions made pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001 (Strong Mayor Powers).
Public Notices - Subscribe to receive notice about budgets, fees, changes to by-laws, public auctions, highways closures or permanent alterations.
Recreation Alerts - Subscribe to receive updates about program cancellations, facility closures and information about service changes.
Road Closures Report - Subscribe to scheduled closure information for City of Hamilton roadways.
NEW! Sewage Spill Events - Subscribe to receive alerts when a sewage spill from City infrastructure is discharged into the natural environment.
Bus News - Subscribe to receive quarterly updates and stay connected with HSR service updates, promotions and event information.
City News Roundup - Subscribe to receive a weekly roundup of news releases and key highlights from the City.
Council & Committee Updates - Subscribe to receive weekly links to meeting agendas, minutes, meeting schedule changes and other information related to City Council and Committees.
Jobs at the City - If you are looking for a new opportunity to build a career in public service, your journey starts with us. Subscribe to receive monthly job postings and open recruitments from the City.
What's Happening - Events in the City - Subscribe to receive a monthly listing on City of Hamilton community, arts and culture events and festivals.
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Information on this form is being collected under the authority of Sections 8 to 10 the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25. The information will only be used for administering your City of Hamilton email subscription(s). For further information on this collection and use of information please contact [email protected]