The online request form is currently unavailable. To request a new or replacement blue box, please call 905-546-2489 (CITY).
You can get your blue box at:
Municipal Service Centres
View a list of the Municipal Service Centre locations
Community Recycling Centres
Community Recycling Centres pick up schedule is Tuesday to Saturday, 10 am to 6 pm.
Call 905-546-2489 for a service number
Service request numbers are provided Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30
Once you have a service number, blue boxes can be picked up from one of the Community Recycling Centres
You must bring your service number with you in order to pick up your blue box
Recycling Containers
All recycling must not exceed 13 kg (30 lbs).
A City issued blue box or a comparable container
A securely tied non-returnable clear or translucent plastic bag
You can put a lid on your blue box so your stuff doesn’t blow away