Gatesbury Park

For questions or to submit a comment, contact:
Ken Wheaton
Landscape Architect
Call 905-546-2424 ext. 2289
Email [email protected]
Gatesbury Park is located at 28 Niska Drive in Ward 15.
The 4.55 hectare (11.24 acre) neighbourhood park includes these amenities:
- asphalt walkways
- 2 baseball diamonds
- 2 soccer fields (1 senior, 1 junior)
- 2 playgrounds
- sun shelter
- washroom building
- 2 parking lots
- 1 basketball half-court
- benches
- multiple connections to adjacent streets

Construction Update
Construction on this project will begin April 2022 and completed by June 2022, weather dependent. Portions of the park will be closed during construction, with access restrictions throughout the park, walkway blocks, and in parking lots. View construction concept plan(PDF, 2.74 MB)
In 2020, the City is planning walkway and accessibility improvements through the park. This project will also connect to a new walkway within the hydro corridor between Niska Drive and Laurendale Avenue. The scope of work will include:
- Removal and replacement of the existing asphalt walkway
- Installation of a 3m wide asphalt walkway from Niska Drive to Boulding Avenue
- Asphalt walkway from the sun shelter to the play structure and walkway at Milverton Close and around the soccer field
- Re-alignment of the junior soccer pitch closest to Niska Drive to permit the installation of the new walkway
- Asphalt walkway from the parking lot at Boulding Avenue, extending beside the senior soccer pitch and connecting to Harper Street.
- Regrading of swales and installation of culverts at the Boulding Avenue parking lot
- Installation of a pedestrian crossover (PXO) crossing Niska Drive to the hydro corridor walkway
- Installation of trail signage at each end of the trail
Recreational Trails Master Plan Initiative 15-7 is located in the hydro corridor between Niska Drive and Laurendale Avenue. This parcel of land is owned by the City of Hamilton and includes an easement in favour of Ontario Hydro. The property has one transmission tower, a large slope on the Laurendale Avenue end and is maintained as a mown open space.
The City is planning to install a 3-metre-wide asphalt walkway on the south side of the hydro corridor. The multi-use trail will align with the new walkway in Gatesbury Park and will create a new linkage from Laurendale Avenue, to Boulding Avenue. Trail users can then access the new trails south of Dundas Street, as shown in the Recreational Trails Master Plan Initiative 15-7 drawing.
The scope of work will include installation of:
- 3m wide asphalt walkway from Laurendale Avenue to Niska Drive
- pedestrian crossover (PXO) crossing Niska Drive to Gatesbury Park
- trail signage and P-Gates at each end of the trail

- April 2022 - Construction to begin
- Fall 2021 - Construction postponed due to inclement weather
- Fall 2020 - Fall 2021 – Project design and tender
- Summer 2020 - Public consultation
- Spring 2020 - Pathway alignment and concept plan created
- 2019 - Topographic survey and archaeological assessment completed