For more information
Email [email protected] or
Call 905-540-6000
Also known as a parking ticket, a Penalty Notice is issued for all parking offences under the City of Hamilton's Administrative Penalty By-law No. 17-225. Penalty Notices were issued starting August, 2015 and replaced the ‘Parking Infraction Notice’.
A person will have 15 days to either pay or request a review of the penalty. Failure to pay or have the penalty reviewed within 15 days will result in additional administrative fees being added to the penalty and the potential that you will be unable to renew (or receive a new) license plate validation sticker.
How to pay Penalty Notices
There are 3 ways to pay your Penalty Notice:
You will need to pay a non-refundable fee for each transaction. Fees payable are $1.50.
Your payment must be processed before the due date on your parking ticket or it may be rejected and subject to additional fees. Payments made Monday to Friday, excluding holidays, before 8:30 pm will be processed the same business day, otherwise bill payments will be processed the next business day.
Pay your parking ticket online
In person
You can pay your parking ticket with cash, cheque, money order, debit or credit cards at any Municipal Service Centre. You can leave your cheque or money order payment in the drop boxes, but do not leave cash in the drop boxes. Hours vary by location.
Find a Municipal Service Centre
By mail
By mailing a cheque to the address noted on the parking ticket. Make your cheque payable to the City of Hamilton. Do not post-date your cheque.
Dispute the Parking Penalty Notice
A Screening Officer may affirm, reduce or cancel the penalty or provide additional time to pay the fine.
Request screening by emailing [email protected] or calling 905-540-6000.
Request a hearing
Decisions of the Screening Officer may be appealed further to a Hearing Officer. You will have 15 days from the date of your Screening to request an appointment with the Hearing Officer.
A Hearing Officer may affirm, reduce or cancel the decision of the Screening Officer. All decisions made by the Hearing Officer are final and binding. There is no further option for appeal.
Administrative fees
Additional Administrative Fees will be applied to those who fail to pay or dispute their tickets by the payment or dispute due dates. Fee amounts are set under the City of Hamilton User Fees and Charges By-law as follows:
Registered owner search fee $25
To be applied to motorists who fail to pay or dispute their parking penalty within the 15 day time limit and require a second notice.
Late payment fee $45
To be applied to parking penalties that have not been paid or disputed within 45 days of issuance of the parking penalty.
Fail to attend Hearing $136
Will be applied to those who set a Hearing date and fail to attend.
Plate denial fee $15
Applied to parking penalties that have been convicted and not paid within 75 days of issuance of the parking penalty.
Outstanding parking tickets will be sent to the Ministry of Transportation (MTO). MTO may add additional fees. You will be unable to renew or receive a new license plate validation sticker until all outstanding fines have been paid. Additional notifications are sent regarding your outstanding parking fines before you are refused renewal of your licence plate. It is your legal responsibility to inform the MTO of any address changes so that you receive all notifications.