Making a complaint
If you have a concern about food safety, infection prevention or sanitary conditions of a business in Hamilton:
If you have a concern about infection control and/or sanitary conditions at a beauty and body art business in Hamilton, contact a public health inspector by:
Public health inspectors check a variety of businesses in Hamilton to ensure they are meeting public health requirements. Each year our inspectors complete over 11,000 inspections covering numerous types of businesses.
IPAC Assessments in Congregate Living Settings
Public Health can complete infection prevention and control assessments in congregate living settings in response to outbreaks to assist with the implementation of control measures.
Residential Care Facilities Environmental and Nursing inspection results
Find out about the inspection results for all Residential Care Facilities in Hamilton.
Food Safety
Food premises are inspected for safe food handling as outlined in the Ontario Food Premises Regulation.
Public Pools and Spas
Public pools, spas, wading pools and splash pads are inspected to ensure compliance with regulations and guidelines under Ontario’s Health Protection and Prevention Act.
Drinking Water Quality
Small drinking water systems are inspected to ensure compliance with the Small Drinking Water System Regulation.
Personal Services
Beauty and body art are referred to as “personal services” and places that offer these services are called personal services settings. Inspected for personal hygiene, cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of equipment and facility maintenance.
Tanning Facilities
Tanning facilities that are open to the public must be registered with Public Health Services, receive an initial inspection to ensure compliance with the Skin Cancer Prevention Act, and are subject to investigation of complaints alleging non-compliance with the Act.
Tobacco and Vapour Product Retailers
Tobacco and vapour product retailers are inspected to ensure compliance with the Smoke-Free Ontario Act.
Beach Water Quality
Between Victoria Day and Labour Day, the water quality at public beaches is monitored for levels of E. coli bacteria and Blue-Green Algae (cyanobacteria).
Infection Prevention and Control Lapse
Infection prevention and control lapses are identified through the assessment of a complaint or referral and through communicable disease surveillance.
Child Care Centres
Child care centres are inspected for infection prevention and control policies and practices as well as food safety practices.
Recreational Camps
Overnight recreational camps are inspected to assess compliance with the Recreational Camps Regulation.
Consumption & Treatment Services
Reports of inspections (routine annual and complaint-based) of Consumption and Treatment Services in the City of Hamilton. The inspections are limited to those settings with a Transfer Payment Agreement with the Ministry of Health
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