Accessibility Guidelines & Policies

Documents can be made available in multiple, accessible, alternate formats to the public, upon request.
Human Rights, Diversity and Inclusion
Phone: 905-546-2424 ext. 8080
Email: [email protected]
Statement of Commitment
The City of Hamilton is committed to ensuring that Council, all levels of corporate management and staff, plan implement and evaluate strategies and opportunities that sustain and maintain the rights of persons with disabilities and their families to barrier-free programs, services and opportunities. In so doing, the City implements the Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 according to the legislation’s standards for municipalities.
The City of Hamilton is committed to providing customer service to persons with disabilities in a manner that:
- respects their dignity and independence;
- is integrated as fully as practicable into the method of service delivery;
- ensures reasonable efforts are made to provide equitable opportunities to accessing goods and services;
- allows persons with disabilities to benefit from the same services, programs and opportunities in ways that are based on their own needs and self-determination.