Dawn Walton
Manager, Business Support
Recreation Division
Phone: 905-546-2424 ext 4755
Email: [email protected]

Kanétskare Recreation Centre
November 2023
On November 10, 2023, Ryerson Recreation Centre will be renamed to Kanétskare Recreation Centre (pronounced Ga-nét-sga-re), a Mohawk word meaning Bay or Inlet. Due to Egerton Ryerson’s relationship to the residential school system, in July of 2021, a motion was approved by City Council to remove the old name from the recreation centre.
All registered and drop-in programs at this location will be accessible by searching for Kanétskare Recreation Centre.
This recreation centre is also the focus of the Landmarks & Monuments project being undertaken by the City’s Indigenous Relations Team.
In 2021 the City procured First Peoples Group, an Indigenous consulting firm, to do a systematic review of some of the high-priority sites that may be problematic for Indigenous people. First Peoples Group consulted with a Circle of Experts that included Indigenous elders, historians, artists, and leaders which resulted in the creation of a report called Honouring Our Roots that identified 5 high-priority problematic sites, with the Ryerson Recreation Centre being 1 of those 5 sites.
At the same time, in June 2021, members of the Hamilton Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) motioned to rename the Ryerson Elementary school (which is adjacent to the recreation centre) in consultation with members of the Indigenous community. Following a process led by a Naming Circle created for this purpose, the school’s name was changed to Kanétskare (pronounced Ga-nét-sga-re), a Mohawk word meaning “Bay” or “Inlet” in June 2022. The intent from the renaming committee is that this word could be interpreted as “By the Bay” for the Kanétskare school. In May 2023, a motion was approved by Council to rename the recreation centre to match the new name of the elementary school.
More information on the ongoing work at sites across the City of Hamilton is available on the Landmarks & Monuments project page.
Changing the name to Kanétskare is an amazing example of trying to revitalize Indigenous languages and right some of the wrongs of the past.
Download Kanétskare Recreation Centre - FAQ
Background and Context
On November 10, 2023, Ryerson Recreation Centre will be renamed Kanétskare Recreation Centre (pronounced Ga-nét-sga-re). All registered and drop-in programs at this location will be accessible by searching for Kanétskare Recreation Centre.
How can recreation users find programs at this facility?
When the name change takes effect, all mention of Ryerson Recreation Centre online and in registration systems will be replaced with Kanétskare Recreation Centre. This will not affect registration status for any members of the public (anyone already registered in programs will still be signed up, but the facility will now be listed as Kanétskare Recreation Centre).
Why is this facility being renamed?
Due to Egerton Ryerson’s relationship to the residential school system, in July of 2021, a motion was approved by City Council to remove the name “Ryerson” from the recreation centre.
Who was the facility originally named after?
Egerton Ryerson was the Chief Superintendent of Education in Upper Canada from 1844 to 1876 and advocated for a school system for Indigenous children that would focus on teaching the Christian religion, and on labour rather than actual education. In his words, the goal of these schools was to “civilize” Indigenous peoples. This framework is widely believed to be the basis for the residential school system.
What was the impact of the residential school system?
The long-lasting impact of the residential school system, and its negative effect on Indigenous peoples across Canada, cannot be denied. The impacts of the residential school system are still being felt by Indigenous peoples and communities today in many ways, some of which are:
- Intergenerational Trauma
- Loss of Language
- Loss of Culture
- Mistrust of Government, Healthcare, and Educational Systems
In May 2021, it was announced that the remains of 215 children were found in unmarked graves at the Kamloops Residential school. The announcement understandably caused massive pain for Indigenous peoples across Canada and overall triggered the start of many politically active movements against figures like Egerton Ryerson. The search for unmarked graves is
ongoing at other Residential Schools.

Sir Allan MacNab Recreation Centre Parking Lot & Facility Maintenance
July 1 to September 5, 2023
The Sir Allan MacNab Recreation Centre was closed beginning July 1, 2023 in order to complete scheduled parking lot and facility maintenance. The closure enabled all required maintenance work to be completed safely at one-time which minimizes disruptions in service and programming at the Recreation Centre. The facility is reopening to the public in the evening on September 5, 2023..
Programming at Sir Allan MacNab Recreation Centre, including drop-in gym and swim and all registered programs, will remain operational until June 30, 2023. Members of the public, rental groups and staff will no longer have access to the facility once maintenance work begins.
During this closure, residents are encouraged to attend drop-in and registered programs at the following locations:
- Ancaster Aquatic Centre
- Ancaster Rotary Centre
- Westmount Recreation Centre
As of June 30, 2023, the following nearby outdoor pool locations are also scheduled to open:
- Ancaster Lions Outdoor Pool
- Chedoke Outdoor Pool
- Walker Outdoor Pool
The City of Hamilton thanks residents for their patience as we complete these important maintenance upgrades.
The City of Hamilton is pleased to share that Sir Allan MacNab Recreation Centre is re-opening for drop-in programming beginning the evening of Tuesday September 5, 2023.
The following maintenance work was completed at the facility:
- Resurfacing and line painting for entire front parking lot
- Installation of new water heater
- Re-grout, tile repairs and deep clean of the pool
- Drain repairs on pool deck and in change rooms
- Jet pump replacement for small pool
- Replacement of light fixtures on pool deck
- Painting of select interior walls
The City of Hamilton thanks residents for their patience throughout this project and is excited to welcome residents back to this facility.

Dundas Community Pool Roof & Facility Maintenance
May 1 to August 8, 2023
The Dundas Community Pool was closed beginning May 1, 2023, in order to complete scheduled roof and facility maintenance. The closure enabled all required maintenance work to be completed safely at one-time which minimizes disruptions in service and programming at the Pool. The facility is reopening to the public on August 8, 2023.
Drop-in programs such as Open Swim and Waterfit will remain available until April 29, 2023. Rental groups will continue to have access to the facility until April 30, 2023. Dundas Community Pool will not offer registered programs or swimming lessons for the Spring session (April to June 2023), as they would be disrupted by the scheduled maintenance work.
Individuals interested in swimming lessons for the Spring session are encouraged to register for programs at Dalewood Recreation Centre. Program registration for Dalewood Recreation Centre starts on March 8, 2023 at 8:00am.
During the closure, individuals are also encouraged to participate in drop-in aquatic programs at Dalewood Recreation Centre, Ancaster Aquatic Centre and Ryerson Recreation Centre. To review schedules, visit www.hamilton.ca/dropin
The City of Hamilton thanks residents for their patience as we complete these important maintenance upgrades.
The City of Hamilton is pleased to share that Dundas Community Pool is re-opening for drop-in and registered programming beginning Tuesday August 8, 2023.
The following maintenance work was completed at the facility:
- Replacement of the roof of the building
- Installation of new boiler system
- Re-grout and tile repairs of the pool
- Painting of interior walls in change rooms
- Replacement of light fixtures on pool deck
- Exterior landscaping of trees and chain link fence
The City of Hamilton thanks residents for their patience throughout this project and is excited to welcome residents back to this facility.