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Zoning Verification
A Zoning Verification Application will provide you with the required documentation to:
- Open your business
- Apply for a business licence
- Apply for a building permit
The zoning of a property dictates what uses are permitted on that property. Currently there are 7 different Zoning By-laws which apply throughout the City of Hamilton, depending on your location. It is important to note that Zoning can differ from property to property.
Having a use that is permitted on one property does not necessarily mean it is permitted on another, even if the property is right next door. It is very important to check the zoning of a property prior to signing a lease or purchasing a property in order to ensure that your intended use is in fact permitted at that location.
Zoning regulates:
- Where buildings and other structures can be located.
- Types of buildings such as residential, commercial, industrial and institutional uses that are permitted at a particular address.
- How the property may be used such as lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights, and distance from the street.
The City of Hamilton is changing its Zoning Verification reports
Going forward, City of Hamilton Zoning Verification Reports will include the following information:
Confirmation that the intended or current use of a property is permitted within the zoning of that property,
A list of permitted uses within the current zoning of the property,
If the property is subject to Cultural Heritage Value or Interest,
If the property requires Conservation Authority approval.
Zoning Verification Reports will not include information such as:
Last/current recognized use of the property,
Outstanding work orders (including outstanding building permits, Orders to Comply, Stop Work Orders, Zoning Violations and/or Property Standards Orders),
Confirmation of the issuance of any building permits for septic systems,
Confirmation if a final grading certificate has been received.
For confirmation of Legally Established Non-Conforming status, the property owner must submit an application for Zoning Compliance Review through the Planning Division. Information relating to this process can be found on the Zoning Compliance Review website or by contacting [email protected].
Information regarding requests for other property-related documents (described above) will be forthcoming. Thank you for your patience while we continue to work through issues related the cybersecurity incident.
Apply for a Zoning Verification
If you want to open an existing business at a specific address, you can apply for a Zoning Verification/Property Report as follows:
There are two different service fees depending on how fast you need the zoning verified:
Service Type | Fee |
Regular Service (get zoning verified in 10 business days) | $129.00 |
Express Service (get zoning verified in 5 business days) | $206.00 |
If your Zoning Verification Report application is related to a Rental Housing License, the fees are as follows:
Service Type | Fee |
Regular Service | $290 |
Express Service | $416 |
For further information, please visit the Rental Housing Licensing Pilot Program.
All fees are non-refundable.
More on the City's New Zoning Verification Process
Due to the cybersecurity incident the City of Hamilton cannot access certain records and has instituted a revised Zoning Verification Process to continue to offer this important service. This process was approved by Council in July, 2024.