Hamilton's Regulate the Feeding of Wildlife By-law 12-130 states that you may not feed wildlife.
Dangers of Feeding Wildlife
You will attract unwanted animals to your home and neighbourhood.
Animals associate humans with food and do not hunt for their natural food. They can become more aggressive.
Human food is unhealthy for wildlife and may cause disease, injury or death.
Wildlife gather in unnaturally large groups around food, such as bird feeders. This spreads parasites and disease.
If you feed wildlife, fines of up to $10,000 for your first time and up to $25,000 for a subsequent conviction are possible.
Feeding Birds
You can feed birds if:
The bird is on your property.
You do not let bird poop pile up.
It does not disturb your neighbours.
Waterfowl such as ducks or geese are wildlife. You cannot feed them.