272 Sherman Avenue South, Hamilton

Gord Mackie
Real Estate Consultant
Call 905-546-2424 ext 7110
Email [email protected]
Development Potential
Address: 272 Sherman Avenue South, Hamilton
Legal Description:
- Firstly: Part of Lots 99, 100, 101, 102, and 103 on Registered Plan 482, as in Instrument Number CD208941, Subject to and Together with Instrument Number CD47249, being All of the PIN 17113-0123 (LT), City of Hamilton; and
- Secondly: Part of Lots 98, 99, 103, 103, 105, and 106 on Registered Plan 482, as in VM189180, being All of the PIN 17113-0115 (LT), City of Hamilton, more specifically illustrated on sketch attached hereto as Schedule “A” (hereinafter called the “Subject Property”).
Asking Price: $675,000
Area/Size: Approx. 706 sq.m. (5,799sq.ft.) - Frontage Approx.: 6m (20ft) - Depth Approx.: 44m (144.7ft)
Zoning: R1a, C/S-1822 – Residential
Permitted Dwelling: Duplex, Semi-Detached, Single Detached, Street Townhouse Dwelling, etc.
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Submit an Offer
Please contact City's Real Estate Office prior to submission. All offers require a 10% deposit by certified cheque, bank draft or wire transfer within 24hrs of being notified your offer is proceeding for Council approval.
Council Approval approximately 2 months after Offer Submission.
Transaction Closing approximately 4 months after Offer Submission.
Additional Photos

Back Yard

Living Room

