Parking Near Schools

Hamilton Municipal Parking System
80 Main Street West (Summers Lane)
Call 905-540-6000
Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
The safety of children is important to everyone in our community. Pedestrian activity is traditionally more prevalent in proximity to schools particularly during morning arrival and afternoon dismissal.
Over the last several years, the high volume of motorists dropping off and picking up children at schools throughout the city has increased, creating potentially unsafe traffic conditions. In an effort to improve traffic safety around schools, various parking regulations have been enacted. Drivers are encouraged to obey these regulations to create a safer environment for school children.
Enforcement of parking regulations around schools encourages compliance and results in a safer environment for all pedestrians, including students. Schools normally attempt to resolve parking conflicts through school newsletters, flyers, school council meetings, etc. However, when issues arising out of parking violations cannot be resolved by other means, dedicated parking enforcement is undertaken at the request of the school.
Parking Regulations Around Schools
No Parking
A vehicle can stop in these areas to drop off and pick up school children. It does not allow a driver to arrive 15 minutes before school is dismissed and wait for their child.
In many cases, the No Parking areas around schools are for specific periods of time such as from 7 am to 6 pm. No Parking areas are normally located where it is safest to momentarily stop a vehicle to drop off and pick up children.

No Stopping
Likely to be found at intersections, school crossing guard locations or crosswalks where there is a high concentration of students crossing the street. Drivers who park in these areas are jeopardizing the safety of students walking to and from school.

School Bus Loading Zone
Allows school buses to stop in these designated areas. Private vehicles are not allowed to stop in these areas. In most cases, School Bus Loading Zones are in place due to an ongoing conflict with private vehicles. Due to a shortage of curb space, there isn’t always enough room for both private vehicles and buses. When private vehicle operators use the School Bus Loading Zone and load or unload passengers, this results in the bus stopping in the middle of the road while waiting for the private vehicles to leave the designated school bus loading zone. As a result, the streets become more congested and student safety is reduced.

School Crossing Areas
You cannot stop or park within this area for any reason including picking up or dropping off students. Sightlines for students crossing the street must be maintained. Drivers who stop within a school crossing area create a serious hazard for the children and the School Crossing Guard.

Taxi Stand
Reserved for taxi cabs. Vehicles that are not taxi cabs cannot park or stop in these zones.

Wheel Chair Loading Zone
Areas that have been designated to provide a dedicated area for “special needs” children and are located to utilize the shortest or most direct route for disabled children and their escorts to travel between the school and the bus or taxi. Drivers should never use the Wheel Chair Loading Zone for dropping off or picking up able-bodied children.