MTO Accessible Parking Permit Exemptions in Hamilton

Report a vehicle parked without a valid Accessible Parking Permit
Call us to report a vehicle parked in an Accessible parking space without a valid Ontario Accessible Parking Permit.
In Hamilton, the Accessible Parking Permit issued by the Province of Ontario exempts residents from:

- Paying for on-street parking for a maximum of three hours. This does not apply during the morning or afternoon rush hour when parking is prohibited. Time periods when parking is prohibited will be clearly displayed on the parking meter or pay-and-display machines.
- Paying at unattended Municipal Car Parks or City owned parking lots during the posted hours of operation or up to a maximum of 12 hours.
- Parking time limits on City streets (up to 12 hours maximum). Vehicles with an Ontario Accessible Parking Permit may not park on City streets for more than 12 hours.
Many streets that have parking meters and time limits are also rush hour routes, which prohibit all vehicles from stopping during the times indicated on the signs. An Ontario Accessible Parking Permit does not exempt vehicles from parking while rush hour route regulations are in effect.
You can use any parking space on private or municipal property designated for use as an Accessible Parking Space. Payment may be required in some parking lots. All other parking regulations must still be obeyed.
Date modified