If you need to take more than one HSR bus to complete your trip and you paid your fare with cash or a special purpose ticket, you can get a free paper transfer.
You must ask the driver for a transfer at the time you pay your fare.
The transfer will be printed by the PRESTO machine. It will be valid for a two-hour window from the time you paid your fare.
Destroyed or damaged transfers will not be accepted.
You can use your transfer at any HSR bus stop on any regular scheduled route. You must show your transfer to the driver when you get on a new bus. If you get on a bus past the transfer window, you will need to pay the bus fare again.
If you have a monthly or annual pass you do not need a transfer. You do not need a paper transfer when using your PRESTO card.
In case of dispute, you will have to pay the regular fare and contact HSR Customer Service for assistance. You must provide the route name, bus number, date, location and time of the incident. Keep your transfer to help with the investigation.
Connections to Burlington Transit with transfers
Upon payment of your HSR fare using cash or a special purpose ticket, ask the driver for a transfer to connect to the Burlington service.
Burlington Transit will accept paper transfers from HSR anywhere within Burlington. Please show your HSR transfer to the Burlington Transit driver for validation within the transfer window time frame. If you are travelling past the transfer window, you will have to pay the bus fare again.
You do not need a paper transfer when using your PRESTO card.