Mountain Drive Park
No access to park - 2024 to 2026
As part of standard due diligence soil testing for the Mountain Drive Park renewal (the next phase includes a new spray pad, sun shelter, walkways, and playground replacement), soil tests have revealed that some of the park’s soils exceed the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks soil standards for parkland.
Out of an abundance of caution, the park will remain closed until construction of the new amenities is complete.
We recognize this will be an inconvenience to residents and ask for patience while the soil testing and construction is completed. Residents are encouraged to visit other nearby parks with playgrounds such as Peace Memorial Park, Eastmount Park, and Highview Park.
Mountain Drive Park is located at 935 Concession Street, Hamilton and sits within the Ward 6 and Ward 7 boundaries, and Raleigh and Sunninghill neighbourhoods. The Mountain Brow trail runs along the northern perimeter of the park and connects the park to the greater mountain brow trail network that continues east and west along the top of the escarpment. The park is located at the eastern end of the Concession Street BIA boundary.
Mountain Drive Park is identified as an active Neighbourhood Park in the recreational study and other neighbourhood park(s) within the 600m service radius includes Peace Memorial Park. There are parking stalls along Mountain Park Avenue that connect to Mountain Drive Park via a walkway network within open space that can be used by residents not within walking distance of Mountain Drive Park.

Many of the Mountain Drive Park amenities have reached the end of their lifespan, so various upgrades are required to continue to safely serve the evolving local community. Informed by public engagement, a master plan to establish direction for the revitalization of the park was prepared in 2022.
This is a multi-year park renewal project. Construction of the new playground and spray pad is planned for 2024. The City of Hamilton wants to hear what you think - visit the Mountain Drive Park Playground Renewal Engage page.
The usable greenspace of the park proper is approximately 7.8 acres (3.2 ha) in size and the existing park amenities include: a playground structure, swing sets, a low stone wall, fencing, walkways, benches, lighting, open space, trees and a washroom building. The park offers pockets of views of the lower city.
A masterplan will be undertaken in 2021 to assess the current and future recreational needs of the community, evaluate feasible options for Mountain Drive Park, develop an action plan to establish a park vision and identify a budget and timeline for long-term or phased redevelopment.
Public Engagement Progress
- November 2020 - Establish a Mountain Drive Park Task Force Committee
- January 20, 2021 - Virtual Task Force Meeting #1
- March 2, 2021 - Launch of Survey #1
- March 10, 2021 - Virtual Task Force Meeting #2
- March 23, 2021 - Survey #1 Closes
- April 14, 2021 - Virtual Task Force Meeting #3
- July 14, 2021 - Virtual Task Force Meeting #4
- July 28, 2021 - Launch of Survey #2
- September 9, 2021 - Virtual Public Information Centre from 6:30 pm until 8:30 pm
- September 30, 2021 - Survey #2 Closes
- November 3, 2021 - Virtual Task Force Meeting #5
- November 18, 2021 - Presentation to Concession Street Business Improvement Area
- August 28, 2023 - Launch of Survey #3: Playground and Spray Pad Focused Engagement
- September 12, 2023 - Survey #3 Closes.
Project Progress
- January 2021 to August 2021 - Task force Committee Start-Up and Stakeholder Engagement
- February 2021 to March 2021 - Inventory and Analysis, including Launch of Required Studies
- March 2021 to July 2021 - Establish a Park Vision, Priorities and Development Options for Community Input
- July 2021 to September 2021 - Evaluation Development Options and Select Preferred Option with Community
- August 2021 to November 2021 - Prepare Masterplan Report
- March 2022 - Share Masterplan Report with the public
- March 2023 to December 2023 - Construction of the New Washroom Building
- August 2023 to April 2024 - Detailed Design of the New Playground and Spray Pad Area
- April 2024 to February 2025 – Delineation of site soils in exceedance of the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) standards.
- March 2025 to July 2025 – Revise the detailed design of the park in accordance with soils findings.
- 2026 - Park construction