LRT Council Reports & Documents

- Reviews, provides input and approves reports brought forward from the LRT Office.
- Provides input and guidance to the project team on significant issues and decisions.
- Engages the broader community on a regular basis throughout the design, planning and construction process of the LRT.
Staff presentations at Light Rail Transit Sub-Committee, General Issues Committee, Council and other committees can be found here. Historical documentation is provided chronologically, and includes City LRT information from the previous iteration of the project.
On February 27, 2013 Hamilton City Council unanimously approved Rapid Ready, a multi-modal transportation framework for the next five years, including a strategy to develop a rapid ready City and investment requirements.
Part of this resolution also authorized staff to submit the B-Line Light Rail Transit (LRT) documents to Metrolinx for a funding decision.
Notice to Proceed with Hamilton B-Line Light Rail Transit (LRT) Project (2017)
An addendum to the Environmental Project Report (EPR) for the Hamilton B-Line Light Rail Transit Project, including a summary and all other required documents, was submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change on May 29, 2017, with amendments completed on July 10, 2017. A 35-day Minister review period was completed on August 2, 2017. The LRT Office received official correspondence that the Hamilton B-Line LRT project can proceed as amended on July 10, 2017.
Hamilton LRT 2017 EPR Addendum - Proponent Letter(PDF, 636.44 KB)
Hamilton LRT 2017 EPR Addendum – Minister’s Notice to Allow a Change(PDF, 331.36 KB)
2017 Environmental Project Report Addendum
The City of Hamilton initiated a Rapid Transit Feasibility Study (RTFS) in November 2007 to review the constraints and opportunities for the development of either a BRT or LRT higher order transit system, along the A-Line and B-Line corridors.
Book 1: B-Line - Environmental Project Report
Books 2 & 3: B-Line - Environmental Project Report Appendix B
Book 4: B-Line - Construction, Design, Traffic Plans & Reports
Book 5: B-Line - Maintenance and Storage Facility
Book 8: A-Line - Initial Feasibility & Opportunities Report
Public Consultation
Virtual Open House - November 2023
On November 30, 2023, Metrolinx hosted a virtual open house to share information about the project, the new design refinement, and the Building Transit Faster Act, 2020. Experts from the project team made a brief presentation followed by a question-and-answer session.
Public Information Centre 2 - January 2017
PIC 2 Presentation(PDF, 24.85 MB) | PIC 2 Mapping(PDF, 54.21 MB)
Public Information Centre 1 - September 2016
PIC 1 Presentation(PDF, 13.24 MB) | PIC 1 Mapping(PDF, 57.48 MB)