2025 Tax & Rate Budget
The City of Hamilton’s 2025 Adopted Tax (Operating and Capital) Budget were adopted on February 19, 2025.
The 2025 budget is designed to enhance the quality of life for Hamiltonians while maintaining principles of affordability and sustainability. This approach aligns with the Mayor’s directives under the Strong Mayor legislation and reflects the City’s commitment to responsible financial management.
The revised residential property tax increase of 5.6% translates to an additional $285 for the average resident with a home valued at $386,600.
Key 2025 Budget Highlights
The City of Hamilton’s budget makes the following critical investments:
Housing and Homelessness
- The 2025 Tax budget includes a total investment of $192 million in housing and homelessness programs. These investments will increase access to affordable and social housing, shelters and encampment supports, and much needed tenant support programs to keep people housed.
- Expanding the emergency shelter system by 272 beds (an 80% increase).
- $4 million investment in the Affordable Housing Fund to create 450 new affordable housing units.
- $4.2 million investment in Supportive Housing to create 435 supportive housing units.
- Eliminating Development Charges for not-for-profit housing to provide new affordable and attainable housing units.
Infrastructure and Transit Enhancements
- A historic $655 million investment in infrastructure and transit enhancements to support Hamilton's sustainable growth and development.
- $190 million investment dedicated to the Transportation Network, including roads, bridges, traffic, and active transportation.
- $75 million investment for the Transit and Maintenance Storage Facility.
- 33 new buses, providing 53,000 additional hours of transit service, modernizing the transit fleet, and supporting multi-modal transportation and a reliable transit system.
- $3.3 million to expand the urban tree canopy, adding 20,000 new trees in 2025 to support the city’s climate action goals and a greener, healthier Hamilton.
Public Safety, and Emergency and Community Services
- $62 million to construct a new Paramedic Central Reporting Station to provide high-quality care across the city.
- $22.6 million for a new Fire and Police Station in Waterdown to support public safety.
- $31.7 million investment to expand Macassa Lodge, adding 20 new Long-term Care beds and redeveloping 44 existing ones.
- Increased staffing hours at the City’s two lodges to enhance resident care.
- 265 new childcare space through the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Plan.
- Providing 1:1 support for an additional 180 children and youth with special needs (bringing the total to 433), allowing participation at no additional cost.
Cybersecurity and Resiliency
- Investing in cybersecurity resilience to modernize City systems and protect against future cyber threats.
- As the City builds back better following last year’s cybersecurity incident, the City is focused not just on strengthening its systems but also on finding efficiencies and solutions that enhance services and improve the customer experience.
Investing in Hamilton’s Future
The 2025 budget prioritizes key areas to support Hamiltonians today and prepare for tomorrow. Strategic investments in housing and homelessness, critical infrastructure, cyber recovery, public safety, emergency services, and long-term care seek to balance immediate needs with long-term sustainability.
Balancing Funding and Affordability
In response to challenges such as inflation and rising service demands, the City has taken a balanced approach—prioritizing spending in essential areas while identifying efficiencies. The budget incorporates strategic use of reserves and new revenue streams to minimize the financial impact on homeowners.
The adopted residential tax increase for 2025 is 5.6%. The average homeowner with a property valued at $386,600 will see an increase of $285.

Education | $590 |
Provincially shared | $767 |
Social Services | $162 |
Public Health | $70 |
Paramedic Services | $145 |
Housing | $390 |
Infrastructure | $731 |
City Services | $2,391 |
Transportation | $416 |
Waste Management Services | $204 |
Parks & Recreation | $362 |
Transit | $417 |
Fire Services | $444 |
Library, Boards & Agencies | $243 |
Planning/Economic Development | $92 |
Administrative Services | $213 |
Police Services | $882 |
2025 Budget Reporting Timelines
The City of Hamilton is preparing its 2025 budget, which will be introduced under the "strong mayor" powers, requiring the Mayor to play a central role in planning and approval. The Mayor has additional powers and duties, including the primary responsibility for preparing the municipal budget. This shift in governance introduces new decision-making processes and stakeholder engagement. The implementation of strong mayor powers has changed the process for municipal budget adoption.
Budget adoption scenarios, timelines and key dates associated with the 2025 Budget process:
- Proposed budget book, overview report and Mayor’s report released publicly - January 13, 2025
- Departmental presentations of proposed budget to General Issues Committee - January 23 to January 31, 2025