
The Community Clean Trailer and the Clean and Green Trailer provide volunteers with the tools they need to beautify our city parks, alleyways, trails and neighbourhoods. Each year, thousands of volunteers collect litter, remove graffiti, and weed flower and shrub beds, plant and mulch trees in an effort to keep our parks and our community clean and green.

Adopt A Park
Year-round program
Volunteers contribute to the Biodiversity Action Plan
Designed to help keep Hamilton Parks litter free, attractive and safe
Engages volunteers, park users, and community groups to be Clean and Green Champions
Great parks make great neighbourhoods!
The concept of a group of individuals coming together to become the caretakers of their park is what defines an Adopt-a-Park group. Adopt-a-Park groups consist of volunteers from businesses, service groups, schools and neighbourhood associations. These groups help to maintain their park by undertaking litter clean-ups, planting and weeding gardens, and reporting vandalism and graffiti. Some groups who have their Food Handler Certification will hold community barbecues and events in their parks to encourage community engagement. Working with City staff, these volunteers help to improve park amenities and create clean and safe parks.
Volunteer commitment to local neighbourhoods is crucial in keeping our green spaces clean, safe and beautiful. A beautiful and vibrant neighbourhood park or green space attracts users and volunteers, increasing pride in the surrounding area.
Participating Adopt-a-Park groups receive an Adopt-a-Park sign with the group’s name or logo; in recognition of the group’s efforts.
Benefits of well-kept parks and public green spaces include:
- Boost to urban economy
- Natural beauty and neighbourhood gathering places
- Provides positive impression; appeals and attracts residents and visitors
- “Green infrastructure” that improves our local environment
- Prevents flooding and improves quality of water
- Cleaner air from trees; releasing oxygen and absorbing pollutants
- Natural habitat for animals and birds
- Play space for children
- Promotes physical activity and better health for all
Being part of an Adopt-a-Park program provides volunteers with an opportunity to:
- Keep your local park clean and green
- Work together with neighbours, community members and colleagues to foster community building
- Meet new people
- Be a good neighbour
- In recognition of your group’s hard work, we will install an Adopt-a-Park sign recognizing your efforts to help keep Hamilton clean and green
Program Details
What is involved in adopting a park?
Volunteers agree to care for their Park for three years and agree to host clean ups at minimal four times a year and at least once in the Fall. Volunteers help maintain and care for green spaces, trees, flower and shrub beds. Volunteers help keep Hamilton Parks litter free, attractive and safe. Volunteers support the Biodiversity Action Plan and become Clean and Green Champions!
Who can apply to Adopt-A-Park?
This program is for community groups, organizations and businesses who wish to partner with the City of Hamilton for city park and green spaces stewardship and can include neighbourhood planning teams, park friends' groups, and others.
How can I Adopt-A-Park?
Fill out an application on our website today!
Is there a list of parks that can be adopted?
Yes! Check out our Park Finder.
How long does it take to Adopt-A-Park?
2-4 weeks, inclusive to training and sign installation.
Why should I become an Adopt-A-Park volunteer?
Volunteering is a great way to stay active in your community. You can take pride in:
- A chance to leverage your skills, expertise and creativity
- Engaging with your community in the great outdoors
- A sense of ownership of your local parks
What do I need to volunteer?
Time! The most important thing you need is time - and a love for your community. The possibilities are diverse and are suitable for all ages and abilities, plus, we provide training, resources and clean up supplies!
Where do I get the supplies for doing my clean up?
Please register to pick up your clean up supplies at least two weeks before your clean up event.
What if multiple groups apply to adopt the same park?
If there are multiple groups that are interested, we often encourage them to collaborate on a joint application or join an existing group. However if a Park is large enough, we sometimes support multiple groups with Adopting the same Park.
Can other groups permit the park if my group has adopted it?
Yes, other groups are able to permit events in the park, as long as they do not conflict with existing, approved events, including those submitted by the Adopt-A-Park steward.