Guide for Event Organizers

For additional Information
Special Events Advisory Team
Call 905-546-3747
Email [email protected]
The key to a successful event is preparation! To assist those planning events on public property, please review these City of Hamilton’s event-related information and requirements.
All events taking place on City of Hamilton property must comply with the City's Use of Fireworks By-law No. 02-285 . If you are planning to have fireworks at your event, you will need to complete a fireworks information package that will be reviewed by the Hamilton Fire Department. Information must be submitted 30 days prior to your event. A permit fee will apply.
Fireworks Safety for Event Organizers
A list of documents and information that is required to be included in all submissions of Display Fireworks Information Packages:
- Fireworks Supervisor’s name, address, contact numbers and Level of ERD certification
- ERD Certificate number and expiry date (photocopy is acceptable)
- List of all devices being used OR written confirmation that all devices being used are on the List of Authorized Explosives as issued by the Explosives Regulatory Division of Natural Resources Canada. Note: HFD reserves the right to request a detailed list of devices, if deemed necessary.
- Indication of High-level, Low-level and/or Ground-level fireworks being used
- Date of show or event
- Location of show or event Note: if the event is being fired from an unconventional site (barge, bridge, flatbed or rooftop) obtain written permission from the Explosives Regulatory Division prior to submitting the Display Fireworks Information Package to this Department.
- Comprehensive site plan (see appendix “A” attached)
- Safety Equipment (3A-60BC or 10 litre pressurized water Fire extinguishers, first aid kit).
- Complete list of crew members, ERD certificate numbers and expiry dates
- Description of safety precautions in place (includes line-of-sight to devices and spectators, extinguishers, safety meeting and emergency shutdown method)
- Proof of Insurance - Insurer’s name, Policy #, amount of liability coverage (min. $5,000,000)
- Traffic control plans ( if needed)
- Emergency response procedures
- Hamilton Police Service approval if event requires road closures/traffic diversion
- Crowd control measures (if needed)
- Site cleanup process after the display
- Letter of consent from building or property owner
Test Firing - In unique situations Hamilton Fire Department may require a test firing of devices.
Note: Once approved, no changes/additions/substitutions of Display Fireworks devices are permitted without written notification and associated details being forwarded to this Department. In addition this Department is to be notified in writing of any changes or modifications to any information originally provided to this Department.
For more information, visit Fire Prevention or contact [email protected], 905-546-2424 ext. 1380.
Requirements for food vendors at special events
Hamilton Public Health Services helps Event Organizers and vendors ensure safe food handling at Special Events in the City of Hamilton to reduce the risk of foodborne illness. Public Health Inspectors will inspect food vendors at the event for safe food preparation and handling.
Apply for food vendors at special events
Individuals or groups planning to organize or operate any event where the general public is invited and will consume food or beverages must notify Hamilton Public Health Services by completing and submitting the Application Forms at least 30 days prior to the event.
Requirements for Food Vendors at Special Events
Special Event Organizer Application Form
Special Event Food Vendor Application Form
Submission deadline
Food vendors must submit their forms to the event organizer. Event organizers are responsible for submitting all forms as one package to Public Health no later than 30 days prior to the event date.
- Email completed applications to [email protected]
- Drop off or mail completed application forms to:
Public Health Services
Food Safety Program
Robert Thomson Building
110 King Street West, 2nd Floor
Hamilton, Ontario L8P 4S6 - Fax completed application forms to 844-444-0678
Cost for application
- A fee of $47 (includes HST) is charged per vendor for special events and festivals.
- The special event coordinator is responsible for paying the full fee to Public Health Services.
- Only one cheque or money order will be accepted for payment for each event. Please do not submit payment before your event. You will be invoiced after the event if inspections were required.
- Refreshment vehicles fully licensed by the City of Hamilton are not required to pay the $47 vendor fee.
- An additional fee of $35 (includes HST) is charged per vendor if the application is not received at least 30 days ahead of the event.
What is a Food Service Vehicle?
Any vehicle (Class A, B, C) from which refreshments are sold or offered for sale for consumption by the public and includes but is not limited to a cart, wagon, trailer, truck and bicycle, irrespective of the type of power employed to move the food service vehicle from one point to another.
ALL food service vehicles (including out of town vehicles) participating at events in Hamilton (public and/or private property) are required to obtain a Business Licence from the City of Hamilton.
Types of Food Service Vehicles
There are 3 different types of Food Service Vehicle Licenses which you can apply for:
- Class A: A motorized or non-motorized food Service Vehicle used as a non-travelling, site specific food premises including but not limited to a catering truck, chip truck or refreshment trailer.
- Class B: A motorized or non-motorized food service vehicle used as a travelling food premises including but not limited to a catering truck, chip truck, ice cream truck, refreshment trailer or hot dog cart.
- Class C: A non-motorized food service vehicle that is used as a travelling food premises from which pre-packaged frozen products exclusively are offered for sale including but not limited to an ice-cream cycle, yogurt cart or juice cart.
4 Day Event Permit
The 4 Day Event Licence is available so that Out-of-Town Food Service Vehicles can participate at events in Hamilton. This permit is available to Class B and Class C Food Service Vehicles only. If you obtain a 4 Day Event Permit but then decide to attend additional events in Hamilton, you may be eligible to upgrade your permit to an Annual Licence.
Licensing Requirements
- Ownership
- Business Registration/Corporate Profile/Master Business Licence (documentation must be dated within 1 year of application)
- TSSA Inspection – no more than 36 days old (required for any Food Service Vehicle that has propane on it)
- Vehicle Safety – No more than 36 days old
- Liability Insurance with no less than 2 million per occurrence. The City of Hamilton must be listed as an “Additional Insured”
- Motor Vehicle Insurance (required for motorized vehicles only)
- Permission from event organizer
- List of types of refreshments (menu), specifying the source and how they will be refrigerated/heated
- Spill Containment Plan (a summary of how you intend to dispose of grease/grey water)
- Description of Food Service Vehicle and photos of all 4 sides
- Recent Health Inspection (if coming from outside of Hamilton)
Requirements may vary. Please contact Licensing for more information at [email protected] or 905-546-2782, option 2. You can also visit staff in person at 330 Wentworth St. N. (Monday & Wednesday only) or at 71 Main St. W., 1st floor (Monday-Friday).
To view a list of licensed Food Service Vehicles in Hamilton, visit the City’s Open Data website
Inflatables, amusement rides and places of amusement vendors must have a valid City of Hamilton business licence. You must provide the name and contact information for your vendor 30 days prior to your event date.
Inflatables must be operated, controlled, and supervised by a third-party licensed vendor.
The vendor is required to provide a certificate of insurance showing evidence of a Commercial General Liability policy of $5 million dollars endorsed to include the City of Hamilton as an additional insured.
The vendor must also hold a valid City of Hamilton licence.
A current permit issued by the TSSA (Technical Standards & Safety Authority) must be provided in order for the City of Hamilton to renew or issue a new license to a vendor.
Places of Amusement
Event organizers are responsible for verifying that their vendors have a current City of Hamilton licence.
All amusement companies must obtain a permit from the Electrical Safety Authority to operate.
For more information and for a list of additional requirements, contact Licensing at [email protected], 905-546-2782, option 3.
Locates are required for any staking/ digging in City parks. Utility owned lines can be located through Ontario One Call for free. City owned lines must also be located but are not covered by Ontario One Call. City owned lines (e.g. water, hydro) must be located from a 3rd party provider for a fee. Any damages to City property as a result of not obtaining locates are the responsibility of the event organizers. Superficial stabilizers are highly recommended (e.g. weights, sandbags, etc.)
For more information contact Licensing at [email protected], 905-546-2782, option 2.
Events with a lottery must adhere to provincial regulations set out by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO).
For more information visit Lottery Licensing or contact Licensing at [email protected], 905-546-2782, option 2.
It is good event planning practice to have a certified first-aid service on site during your event. Event organizers can be held liable for any injury that occurs to staff, volunteers and event participants so it is prudent to ensure that organizers have safety measures in place.
Depending on the size and scope of your event, you may be required to hire and pay for paid duty paramedics from Hamilton Paramedic Service. In order to do this, you will need to complete a Medical Standby Agreement.
For more information about what level of medical service for your event, contact Hamilton Paramedic Service at [email protected] or 905-540-5782.
If you plan to use a device or appliance that incorporates an open flame or burning of solid fuels, contact the Hamilton Fire Department 30 days prior to your event for an Open Air Burning Permit. A permit fee will apply.
Fire Safety for Event Organizers
Fire safety information has been compiled to facilitate the planning of your festival/special event. The requirements listed reflect the minimum fire safety standards for an outdoor venue. They are essential for the protection of the public and staff manning booths and displays.
It is hoped that with your cooperation and assistance, all vendors will comply with the requirements to ensure a safe environment for the public to enjoy the unique flavour of your event.
- Tents and air-supported structures may require to be erected in accordance with the Ontario Building Code and under permit from the City of Hamilton Building Division. Contact the Building Division for further information at 905.546.2424 ext. 2720.
- All tents used by the public shall be fire retardant treated and a certificate to this effect is to be in your possession and on site that can be made available to the Hamilton Fire Department if requested.
- All electrical equipment used on site is to be C.S.A. approved or Electrical Safety Authority labelled and maintained in proper working order. All electrical installations and connections to existing electrical distribution panels or services are to be done under permit from the Electrical Safety Authority, 400 Sheldon Dr., Unit 1, Cambridge ON N1T 2H9 (Call 1-877-372-7233)
- All stalls/booths/tents used by the public as a place of assembly (e.g. beer tents or food tents) are to be equipped with multi-purpose portable fire extinguishers rated at 2A 10BC. Extinguishers are to be located so that the maximum travel distance to an extinguisher does not exceed 25m.
- All propane fuelled equipment is to be installed in accordance with the Propane Storage and Handling, O.Reg. 211/01 under the TSSA. All spare and connected propane cylinders are to be kept upright and secured in such a manner as to prevent them from tipping over.
- Any flammable or combustible liquids on site are to be kept away from sources of ignition and kept out of direct sunlight to prevent spillage as a result of expansion.
- Charcoal braziers and barbecues are to be extinguished at the close of each festival/event day and the ashes and coals disposed of in metal containers used solely for this purpose. Charcoal braziers and barbecues are to be protected to prevent people from accidentally coming in contact with them.
- A copy of an approved Fire Safety Plan shall be posted at the entrance to, and inside of, all tents and air-supported structures having a capacity greater than 30 persons. The attached plans can be utilized to satisfy this requirement. Please choose the appropriate Fire Safety Plan and insert the address in the blank section.
- Fire Safety Plan Appendix ‘A’ applies to tents and air-supported structures where the AGCO licenced capacity does not exceed 150 persons or does not exceed a capacity of 300 persons for non-AGCO licenced functions.
- Fire Safety Plan Appendix ‘B’ applies to tents and air-supported structures where the AGCO licenced capacity exceeds 150 persons or the capacity exceeds 300 persons for non-AGCO licensed functions, in tents/air-supported structures not equipped with a fire alarm system.
- Fire Safety Plan Appendix ‘C’ applies to tents and air supported structures equipped with a fire alarm system.
- If a fireworks display is planned for your festival/event and your organization is responsible for the display, it will be necessary to make application for the purchase of display fireworks. This application is available from display Fireworks Supervisors or fireworks manufacturers and takes approximately one month to process through the various levels of government and agencies involved.
- Use of municipal fire hydrants for potable water supplies must be approved by the Finance Department. Permit applications can be obtained by calling 905-546-2424 ext. 4443. The Hamilton Fire Department has no authority for non-firefighting use of hydrants.
- Smoking and open flame devices shall not be permitted in a tent or air-supported structure.
- Open air burning (bonfires, fires contained in a non-combustible barrel, etc.) are not permitted by the Ontario Fire Code unless otherwise approved by the Chief Fire Official. If open air burning is being considered, please contact the Hamilton Fire Department, Fire Prevention Division. for details on open air burning regulations/bylaws.
For more information, visit Open Air Burning Permit or contact [email protected], 905-546-2424 ext. 1380.
Under Ontario Regulation 136/18, Public Health Services must approve personal services before they can be provided to the public at your event.
For a copy of the event coordinator and vendor application form, please contact the Infectious Disease Program. Information regarding personal services must be provided to Public Health Services 14 days prior to your event.
For more information visit Public Health Requirements for Personal Service Settings or contact [email protected], 905-546-2063.
Depending on the size and scope of your event, you may be required to hire and pay for security personnel. Additionally, event organizers are responsible for ensuring that any contracted security company holds a valid security guard agency licence issued by the Province of Ontario.
For more information, visit Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Paid Duty Police
Depending on the size and scope of your event, you may be required to hire and pay for paid duty officers from Hamilton Police Service either in addition to or in lieu of security personnel. Police may also request a copy of your security plan.
For questions or clarification, visit Hamilton Police Services, email [email protected] or call 905-546-4366.
Permits are required for certain types of signs (i.e. mobile signs, sidewalk / "A" frame signs and temporary signs). For more information, visit Sign By-Law.
If you think your sign(s) require a permit(s), contact Licensing at [email protected], 905-546-2782, option 2.
For information on reserving banner space please visit Reserve Banner Space.
All events taking place on City of Hamilton property must comply with the City's Noise Control By-law No. 11-285. Outside amplified sound during special events is allowed between the hours of 11 am to 12 midnight, and, noise levels cannot exceed 90 dBA, measured 10 m from its source and not exceed 60 dBA at a point of reception.
For events on private property and events requesting to extend the timeframe where amplified sound is permitted, a Noise Exemption Application needs to be completed and sent to Municipal Law Enforcement (MLE) at [email protected].
Download Noise Exemption Application
For questions or clarification, contact MLE at [email protected], 905-546-2782, option 2.
You are required to obtain a building permit(s) if you are planning to have a stage platform that:
- is larger than 225m² in area;
- is larger than 60m² and 3m above ground level; and/or,
- has any element of the structure (i.e. wall, roof, or floor) more than 5m above ground.
To obtain a building permit, contact the Building Division by email [email protected] or call 905-546-2720.
Stage Structures
If you are planning to have a stage platform that is larger than 225m² in area or that has any element of the structure (i.e. wall, roof, or floor) more than 5m above ground, you are required to obtain a building permit(s).
To obtain a building permit, contact the Building Division at [email protected] or 905-546-2720.
Supporting Structures
A building permit is required for a structure supporting audio equipment and/or lighting in any of the following situations according to the Building Division Policy OBC-003:
- It supports a weight more than 115 kg (1.13 kN),
- It is more than 3 m above ground level when supported by the ground, or
- It is more than 3 m above the stage platform when supported by the stage platform.
Please read the Building Division Policy OBC-003 for detail.
To obtain a building permit, contact the Building Division at [email protected] or 905-546-2720.
Locates are required for any staking/ digging in City parks. Utility owned lines can be located through Ontario One Call for free. City owned lines must also be located but are not covered by Ontario One Call. City owned lines (e.g. water, hydro) must be located from a 3rd party provider for a fee. Any damages to City property as a result of not obtaining locates are the responsibility of the event organizers. Superficial stabilizers are highly recommended (e.g. weights, sandbags, etc.)
As the event organizer, you are responsible for:
- Ensuring no person smokes tobacco, cannabis or waterpipe or uses an electronic cigarette (containing any substance) in a prohibited area
- Posting no-smoking and no-vaping signs
- Giving notice to patrons, staff, volunteers and vendors that smoking and vaping is prohibited
- Ensuring that no ashtrays (or similar items) are within the prohibited areas
Prohibited areas include enclosed public places, parks, playgrounds, recreation and sporting areas, and patios (including 9 meters from the perimeter) where food and or beverage is sold or consumed.
For more information visit Smoking & Vaping or contact Tobacco Hotline at [email protected], 905-540-5566.
Selling Tobacco or Vapour Products at Events
- To sell tobacco at an event, you must obtain a Business License for Tobacco Retailers from the City of Hamilton
- In addition, tobacco and vapour product retailers need to comply with all federal and provincial legislation regarding marketing, display and sales for tobacco products
- A health inspection is required prior to selling tobacco to the public
- For more information about a license, call 905-546-2782, option 3 or email [email protected]
- For more information about health inspections or display of tobacco or vapour products, call the Tobacco Hotline at 905-540-5566 or email [email protected]
Sponsorship at Events from Tobacco Companies
- Accepting funding from tobacco companies for events held in City parks or at City facilities may put funding agreements with the City of Hamilton in jeopardy
- Email [email protected] for more information
Event organizers are required to implement waste collection services for attendees and vendors. Waste management, collection and disposal must be planned in advance by event organizers. Event locations must be left clean and free of litter following the event.
For more information regarding waste diversion and garbage visit Garbage& Recycling or contact [email protected], 905-546-2424 ext.2934.
During the event planning process, organizers should think about the various methods of transportation their attendees will utilize to access their events. If the event site is accessible via local transit (i.e. HSR), organizers should consider promoting route information on event marketing materials and social media platforms.
For more information about HSR services, bus schedules and trip planning tools, visit: