Queen Street Two-way Traffic Conversion

For more information
Brian Le
Superintendent (Acting), Transportation Systems
Call 905-546-2424 Ext. 5661
Email [email protected]
The City of Hamilton has completed the final phase of the two-way conversion of Queen Street from Aberdeen Avenue to King Street W. Construction to convert Queen Street between Main Street and King Street W from one-way southbound to two-way was completed November 22, 2022.
The scope of work included:
- Upgrades to the traffic signal at King St. W. and Queen St.
- Curb and Sidewalk Re-construction
- Pavement Markings and Signage Upgrades
The conversion of Queen Street between Main Street and King Street completes work the City started in 2020 for the two-way conversion of Queen Street S between Aberdeen and King West, which was approved by Council in November, 2017. That work had eight intersection improvements including new installation or upgrade of traffic signals, roadway restoration, curb and sidewalk reconstruction and pavement markings.
The conversion of Queen is part of a larger initiative by the City of Hamilton through the Transportation Master Plan and Vision Zero. Converting streets from one-way to two-way has been underway for more than 15 years in Hamilton to create more complete streets and make local streets more accessible for all road users including pedestrians and cyclists.
The project incorporates the principles of Vision Zero in the design in order to reduce speeds and overall collisions. The intersections and roadway improvements have been designed with a focus on the safe and efficient movement of pedestrian and cyclists. Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities standards have also been incorporated such as increased pedestrian and vehicle movement clarity, predictability, and visibility; simplified road crossing tasks; provision of accessible pedestrian signals; and prohibited certain vehicular movements.
The City of Hamilton thanks residents for their patience and cooperation as we complete these important infrastructure upgrades.
Background of Queen Street Two-Way Conversion
Queen Street South is a one-way southbound street between Barton Street and Herkimer Street, and two-way street south of Herkimer Street. The 2008 Downtown Transportation Master Plan recommended conversion of several streets in the downtown area. Queen Street has been on a list for potential conversion along with the other one-way streets. In 2012, Councillors received several requests to establish a two-way streets implementation team.
In early 2013, a study group was created to conduct a block-by-block walkability and traffic operations audit for Queen Street and the study group submitted recommendations to place a priority on this conversion project.
In 2014, some minor safety improvements were implemented such as ladder crosswalks, a pedestrian crossover (PXO) at Herkimer and a new 40 km/h speed limit to address safety issues. For a while, the impetus for converting Queen Street to two-way was interrupted due to LRT planning.
On October 26, 2016, City Council approved a motion to undertake a feasibility study and prepare a functional design for the conversion of Queen Street to a two-way traffic operation from Aberdeen Avenue to King Street. AECOM Canada Ltd. was retained to undertake this study and after thorough evaluation, the option for one northbound and two southbound lanes was identified as the preferred alternative for the two-way conversion of Queen Street South. Hamilton City Council approved AECOM’s recommended option and funding on November 8, 2017. Over the last two years, detail design for this undertaking has been completed by City staff.
In June 2020 construction started on the two-way conversion project for Queen Street South between Aberdeen Avenue and King Street West. The project involved eight intersection improvements including new installation or upgrade of traffic signals, roadway restoration, curb and sidewalk reconstruction and pavement markings. Work was completed in November 2020.