Development Charges

Development Charge Request
Call 905-546-2424 ext. 4400 or
Email [email protected]

Consolidated Development Charges By-law
New Rates in effect December 1, 2024
The City of Hamilton imposes development charges (DC) to recover growth-related costs associated with the capital infrastructure within Hamilton. Development Charges are one-time fees paid by developers at the time a building permit is issued to help pay for municipal services to new developments, such as roads, transit, water and sewer infrastructure, community centres and fire and police facilities.
Why Development Charges Exist
Development Charges ease the financial burden on taxpayers to fund new services as a result of growth. Without development charges, the costs for additional infrastructure would be at the expense of existing property owners in the form of higher property taxes and user fees. Most municipalities in Ontario use development charges.
How Development Charges are Determined
The Development Charges Act, 1997 provides Council with the authority to pass a by-law to impose Development Charges. This Act requires that a Development Charges Background Study be completed. The Background study takes into account:
- A forecast of the amount, type and location of development and population
- The historical level of capital service levels
- A review of future capital projects to provide for the expected development.
The Development Charges By-law provides for an annual adjustment of Development Charges Rates. The Act and the By-law also provide exemptions for certain types of development.
Treasurer’s Statement
The City Treasurer prepares an annual statement regarding the use of development charges funds and sets out the balance in each of the development charges reserves
- Development Charges Reserves Status Report as of December 31, 2023 (FCS24043)
- Development Charges Reserves Status Report as of December 31, 2022 (FCS23035)
- Development Charges Reserves Status Report as of December 31, 2021 (FCS22040)
- Development Charges Reserves Status Report as of December 31, 2020 (FCS21047)