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Due to the age and recognized heritage value of the existing structure, the City with the support of the City of Burlington initiated a Class EA study to review alternative solutions for improvements to the Valley Inn Bridge.
Preferred Alternative Solution: Replacement of the existing bridge.
The City has initiated the Class EA process along Garner Road (Wilson Street to the Highway 403 off-ramp) to improve transportation infrastructure. Falling along the S-Line of the BLAST Rapid Transit Network, the study will ensure that the transit priority corridor supports multi-modal (pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles) safety, capacity, traffic management and consistency with neighbouring road segments on Garner Road. The project will also look at stormwater management, complete streets and servicing improvements needed along the road.
Development planning has advanced since 2013 in the northwest quadrant of the Highway 5/6 Interchange, and design for the municipal road within the plan of subdivision for 43 Highway 5 West, Park of Lot 24, Concession 3 (i.e., the Site), identified as Street B in the Preferred Alternative for the Associated Municipal Roads has advanced to completion of detail design.
The City has completed Municipal Class EA process for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000) process for a Group ‘B’ project. A ‘five-year TESR review’ was undertaken and determined that there are no significant changes to the relevant portions of approved plan for this study area.
The City of Hamilton has completed the Ainslie Wood Neighbourhood Traffic Management Study to identify and recommend potential transportation-related improvements for the neighbourhood. When implemented, these improvements will benefit all road-users and better reflect the Complete-Livable-Better Streets concept of design outlined in the 2018 Hamilton Transportation Master Plan.
The City of Hamilton has completed the Westdale Neighbourhood Traffic Management Study to identify and recommend potential transportation-related improvements for the neighbourhood. When implemented, these improvements will benefit all road-users and better reflect the Complete-Livable-Better Streets concept of design outlined in the 2018 Hamilton Transportation Master Plan.
The City initiated a Class EA study is to determine the preferred location to construct an elevated water reservoir providing floating storage for Pressure District 18 in Ancaster. The need for the Ancaster Elevated Water Reservoir was identified and documented in the City's Water and Wastewater Master Plan, which indicated an unbalanced water supply, with low pressure concerns in certain areas, limited redundancy, and insufficient capacity to service future system demands in the area.
Preferred Servicing Alternative: Alternative 2 - Construct a new elevated storage reservoir in Ancaster. In this alternative the HD018 Pumping Station would need to be upgraded.