One-Time Enhancement Grant Relief Program

For more information, translated documents or assistance with the application process
Email [email protected]
The One-Time Enhancement Grant Relief Program is now closed. Applications are no longer being accepted.
Approved Funding
The One-Time Enhancement Grant (OTEG) received 152 applications in total. Of the 152 applications, 43 organizations and projects were recommended for funding totaling $500,000. Recommendations were approved by the Grants Sub-committee.
Grants Sub-Committee Friday, March 31st, 2023.
Approved funding recommendation for the One-Time Enhancement Grant
The final awarded recommended amount was dependent on the scale of the initiative, program, project, or service; community impact; and overall scoring of the application with priority for those demonstrating that they are providing an essential need or service to Hamilton communities and those serving an equity-deserving & priority population.
Starting January 1, 2023, existing community organizations, non-profit organizations, charities and/or grassroots groups with non-profit goals delivering a program or service in Hamilton can apply to receive small-scale funding as part of a new One-time Enhancement Grant Relief Program.
The one-time funding allocation targets organizations that experienced financial pressures or constraints to deliver their program/service to the community due to COVID-19 and broader pandemic impacts, as well as those that demand greater speed and flexibility than traditional funding methods can offer.
A total of $500,000 (as approved by Hamilton City Council from City Enrichment Fund reserve funds) will be distributed as part of the one-time funding allocation among community organizations heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The grant will make every effort to include an equity lens as part of the funding allocations. The organization/program must serve Hamiltonians. Priority status will be given to those organizations and agencies providing services for equity-deserving communities.
NOTE Funding is a one-time grant provided for existing community programming, intended to complement current projects. Funding will not be renewed, offered in perpetuity (year over year) or offered for new programs created as a result of the fund. Large scale programs/projects may be asked to disclose other sources of funding.
All funding is awarded based on merit and community impact. The first review of applications will occur after 15 days of the application intake deadline. Funding decisions will be made within 90 days. The grant review team will be in contact with all applicants following the first review phase to communicate decisions and/or seek clarity regarding applications.
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
- The project and/or program must take place within the City of Hamilton.
- The program must serve Hamiltonians. Priority status will be given to those organizations and agencies providing services for equity-deserving communities.
- The legal status of the organization and / or applicant must be a non-profit, registered charity, community organization and/or volunteer organization with non-profit goals.
- The organization must have a community impact affecting the groups impacted by COVID-19.
- Funding will supplement an existing, on-going or continued operation that was significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
In-eligible expenditures are capital costs and applications from for-profit entities.
The final awarded amount will depend on the scale of the initiative / program / project, overall scoring of the submission and the community impact. Requests for up to $25,000 per organization are welcome.
Application Process
- Download the One-time Enhancement Grant Relief Application (PDF) and save a copy directly to your personal computer or device.
- Complete the One-time Enhancement Grant Relief Application. By completing the application form, you are developing a grant proposal that explains how you plan to use the funds. Organizations need to show a cost estimate that includes how much funding is needed and how the dollars will be spent.
NOTE To apply via video submission, please ensure all application questions in their entirety are answered in the video. Acceptable file types include AVI, MP2, MP3, HTML, MOV or MPEG. The maximum file size for each file is 15 MB, or provide a link and/or password to the video online.
- Email a copy of your completed application or your video submission to [email protected].
Please include EGR Application (Title of Program) in your subject line.
*Applicants who select the video option must ensure all application questions in their entirety are answered through their video submission.
Additional Program Information
Report GRA22001(a) December 1, 2022:
If you need assistance completing the application form or with application process, or if you require the application form translated into another language, please email [email protected].