Digital Strategy

Kelly Austen
Senior Project Manager, Digital Innovation Office
Email [email protected]

Learn about the City’s first Digital Strategy
The City of Hamilton’s new Digital Strategy will guide how City services and internal processes are delivered through digital technology.
Improving Online/Digital Services
The City of Hamilton’s Digital Strategy will guide how City services and internal processes are delivered through digital technology.
The City’s Digital Strategy will act as a guide for the organization as it works to embrace the increasingly digitally-driven era we are now in, and continuously evolves to meet future needs and expectations of the community.
It establishes a vision that will enable the seamless delivery of customer-centered digital services for our residents, businesses, partners and employees, and continue to enhance confidence in the City and its services.
Download City’s Digital Strategy
Download City's Digital Strategy - Accessible Version
Key highlights of the Digital Strategy include:
- Defining Digital Strategy and its importance
- Vision for the Digital Strategy
- Key engagement insights including public and internal feedback
- Key objectives, key outcomes and guiding principles to enhance existing services and introduce new digital services and digital ways of working
- Priority pillars that support the strategy including required foundational elements, digital workplace and priority technology initiatives
More information about the digital services public engagement efforts that informed the Digital Strategy is available on Engage Hamilton.