Airport Employment Growth District Secondary Plan
Neil Stoop
Senior Planner
Community Planning
Email [email protected]

Review Open House Materials
The City of Hamilton hosted two Open Houses on June 25 & 26 to provide opportunities for the public to meet with the project team and ask questions about the update to the Airport Employment Growth District Secondary Plan.
Airport Employment Growth District Transportation Master Plan
One of the related plans which support the Secondary Plan is the Airport Employment Growth District Transportation Master Plan. The Airport Employment Growth District Transportation Master Plan was originally completed in 2011, and an implementation update was subsequently completed in 2016 to reflect the Ontario Municipal Board decision for the Secondary Plan.
Because best practices and standards for roads have changed over time and are not the same now as when the Transportation Master Plan was originally created, a new update to the Transportation Master Plan was undertaken to reflect updated information and assumptions. The new update was approved by Council on November 8, 2023.
Update to Secondary Plan
An update to the Secondary Plan is now needed to ensure that the Secondary Plan policies and maps reflect the approved Transportation Master Plan. This will ensure that land use decisions are consistent with the Transportation Master Plan and that the development of the Transportation Network for the area proceeds in accordance with the Transportation Master Plan.
To prepare the update, the City is reviewing relevant policies and maps in the Urban and Rural Hamilton Official Plans and the Airport Employment Growth District Secondary Plan. A concurrent review of updates needed for the area's Natural Heritage System mapping will also occur as part of the project. Updates will be implemented by an amendment to the City's Official Plan, which must be approved by Council.
Related Documents
- AEGD Transportation Master Plan Final Report
- AEGD Transportation Master Plan Implementation Update
- Scoped Environmental Impact Statement for 2060 Upper James Street
- Scoped Environmental Impact Statement, Linkage Assessment and Tree Preservation Plan for 9236 & 9322 Dickenson Road West
- 2017 Subwatershed Study Update & Implementation Document
- 2011 Subwatershed Study Part A
- 2011 Subwatershed Study Part B