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If you live in Carlisle, Freelton, Greensville or Lynden, your water comes from the groundwater in an aquifer. Groundwater is formed when rain and other precipitation moves down through the soil, sediment and rock until it reaches the water table. In Carlisle and Freelton, water is pumped and stored in water towers.
The Carlisle water supply system consists of four wells, one elevated water storage tank, treatment, sampling and analysis, which serves a population of approximately 1,833 people.
- Rain gauge data from the Carlisle Community Centre
- Low level water condition - Currently normal water condition
Daily Water Usage Goal
1,170,000 litres per day
The Freelton water supply system consists of two wells, one elevated water storage tank, treatment, sampling and analysis which services a population of approximately 800 people.
Rain Gauge Data from the Freelton Marian Hall
Low Level Water Condition - Currently normal water condition
The Greensville water supply system consists of one well, one well station, treatment, sampling and analysis which services a population of approximately 108 people.
- Low level water condition - Currently normal water condition
The Lynden ground water supply system consists of one well, one well station, treatment, sampling and analysis which services a population of approximately 390 people.
- Water Advisory Lifted Letter
- Water Advisory Lifted FAQ
- Lynden Water System Update Presentation
- Low level water condition - Currently normal water condition
Community Well Information
As part of a pilot project, Hamilton Water will be transitioning Carlisle, Freelton, Greensville and Lynden from a manual water meter reading system to an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system. This reliable and proven technology will allow us to provide more accurate reads and better customer service and support to your community.
A Low Level Water Condition is declared due to lack of rainfall and low flows in local rivers and streams. Under these conditions there is a potential for water supply problems. The Low Water levels are set out in the Ontario Low Water Response Plan when watershed conditions are less than a certain threshold. A combination of below average precipitation along with hot summer temperatures can result in the water levels dropping below normal. In this case a Low Level Water Condition will be issued for your watershed.
Many rural residents rely on private wells and cisterns as their drinking water source. With an estimated 10,000 private wells and cisterns in use in Hamilton, it is important that we take care of this drinking water source. The condition of private water wells and safety of its water is the responsibility of the well owner.
As part of a community that relies on ground water as their source of drinking water you are considered a vulnerable area. Source water protection ensures water resources such as lakes, rivers and groundwater are protected from contamination or overuse.
The City provides treated water to residents in communities that use groundwater as their drinking water source.
Learn more about the water treatment process for your community
Sodium is a mineral that can be found in drinking water supplies. Due to its high solubility, sodium is naturally found in groundwater with concentration levels ranging between 6 mg/L and 130 mg/L (Bond, R.G. and Struab, C.P., 1973). All groundwater contains some sodium because most rocks and soils contain sodium compounds from which sodium is easily dissolved.
Regulating Sodium in Our Drinking Water
The Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality and Ontario Drinking Water Standards set an aesthetic objective of 200 mg/L. Sodium concentrations above 200 mg/L may alter the taste of water. The Ontario Drinking Water Systems Regulation 170/03 under the Safe Drinking Water Act requires reporting to the local Medical Officer of Health when sodium levels in public drinking water supplies exceed 20 mg/L or more. At this point, the local Medical Officer of Health informs local physicians, as such information is intended to help persons on sodium-restricted diets control their sodium intake.
The Ontario Drinking Water Systems Regulation 170/03 requires Hamilton Water to test municipal drinking water supplies for sodium every 57 months and report concentrations that exceed 20 mg/L to the Medical Officer of Health. When sodium samples in drinking water exceed 20 mg/L, the Medical Officer of Health notifies health professionals and residents who might be on sodium-restricted diets. In line with this testing, the City of Hamilton sends out letters to the communities of Carlisle, Freelton, Greensville and Lynden with specifics of the sodium levels present in their water. The last letter was sent in June 2020. Municipal drinking water reports, including sodium levels, can be found in the “Drinking Water Annual Quality Reports” at www.hamilton.ca/waterquality.
Sodium intake and your health
Sodium is essential to your diet for normal nerve and muscle function, regulating fluid levels, and maintaining blood pressure. The World Health Organization estimates suggest that a total daily sodium intake of 120-400 mg will meet the daily needs of young children, and 1500 mg for most adults” (WHO, 1996).
Sodium in drinking water is not a health concern for most people but may be an issue for someone with severe hypertension, congestive heart failure or on a sodium-restricted diet. Water softeners may increase the levels of sodium in drinking water. It is not recommended to use water from a water softer to prepare infant beverages, including formula and juice. For drinking water purposes, it is recommended to have a separate water line that bypasses the water softener.
Sodium in food, occurs naturally and varies significantly in different types of food. The main source of sodium in the diet comes from processed foods, such as snack foods, fast foods, processed meats, soups, crackers, and condiments. If you are following a sodium restricted diet, all sources of sodium need to be considered.
Value per 100g of Edible Portion
Food | Sodium (mg) |
8 baby carrots | 62 |
Hot Dog (plain) | 684 |
Processed tomato juice (1 cup) | 691 |
1% milk (1 cup) | 113 |
1 x banana (medium) | 1 |
Egg (1 x medium) | 63 |
Apple juice (1cup) | 18 |
Cheddar Cheese (50g) | 310 |
Salt (1 teaspoon) | 2,373 |
Chicken Noodle Soup (1 cup) | 1,169 |
These reports contain information specific to your drinking water system including the monthly water production and results of the testing that is done.
The City of Hamilton strives to protect its groundwater source, as it is your source of water. It is important to remember that your water is supplied through groundwater from an aquifer. It is not an unlimited source. Below are some different ways to help conserve water and protect the aquifer.