Commercial Water & Sewer
Small Drinking Water Systems

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Safe Water Infoline
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A small drinking water system:
- Can be privately or publicly owned or operated
- Provides drinking water to the public
If you own and/or operate a business or facility that has its own drinking water system that uses water from a well or cistern, then you likely own and operate a small drinking water system.
Small drinking water systems are usually located in the rural areas of Hamilton where municipal water is not available, and include these types of business or facilities:
- restaurants
- seasonal trailer parks and campgrounds
- hotels, motels, Bed and Breakfast’s and other places that provide overnight accommodation to travellers
- churches and places of worship
- recreational facilities
- municipal parks
- sports and leisure facilities
- private clubs or fraternal organizations
- places where the public has access to a drinking fountain, shower or a washroom
Small Drinking Water Systems
Business Operator Responsibilities
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