Ontario Renovates Programs

For more information or for a paper application
The Ontario Renovates Secondary Suite Forgivable Loan Program aims to increase the supply of affordable housing units in Hamilton, while creating an opportunity for homeowners to generate additional income.
The Homeowner Ontario Renovates offers financial assistance to low-income households who own and occupy substandard housing to enable them to repair their dwellings to a minimum level of health and safety.
The Person with Disabilities Ontario Renovates offers financial assistance to low income households occupied by persons with disabilities who require special modifications to improve accessibility to their residence.
Ontario Renovates Secondary Suite Forgivable Loan Program application deadline has passed and the program has now closed.
The City of Hamilton, through the Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative (OPHI) is implementing the Ontario Renovates Secondary Suites Forgivable Loan Program.
The aim of the program is to increase the supply of affordable housing units in Hamilton, while creating an opportunity for homeowners to generate additional income.
This program provides eligible homeowners financial assistance in the form of a 15-year forgivable loan to create affordable secondary suites in existing single-family homes or garden suites on the property lot of a single-family home that is the homeowner ’s sole and principal residence. Eligible homeowners can apply for a maximum $50,000 forgivable loan to add or renovate an existing second unit in their homes, and an additional grant of $5,000 if accessible modifications are included in the project.
Application intake is open and ongoing, however funding is limited and will be provided on a first-come first-served basis to eligible applicants.
Program Eligibility
You may qualify for funding to help build an affordable secondary suite if:
- The project is to be completed on the property of a homeowners sole and principal residence.
- Mortgage payments and City property taxes are paid and current, and property insurance coverage for full value of home is in place.
- The homeowner’s total annual household income does not exceed a maximum of $142,000
- The amount of rent charged for secondary suite is below the maximum permitted during the 15- year term of the agreement
- The future tenant’s household income is below the maximum permitted
- The secondary suite meets applicable Zoning By-Law and Building Code Regulations
- If you are not completing the work yourself, the work must be completed by a contractor licensed to work in the City of Hamilton.
- Labour costs related to creation of the secondary suite
- Applicable planning application fees (including but not limited to building permit fees), legal fees, inspection fees) and architectural drawing costs
- Costs related to demolition of Accessory Structures to a residential use for the purposes of creating a second unit.
- Costs related to repair/rehabilitation to an existing secondary suite to make it accessible
- Any other costs that the Service Manager deems reasonable
Costs related to obtaining minor variance or zoning by-law amendments may be eligible project costs under this program.
The key objective of the program is to increase the supply of affordable housing units in Hamilton, while creating an opportunity for homeowners to generate additional income. With that in mind, the following criteria will apply during the 15-year term of the agreement. The maximum allowable rent may not exceed the Average Market Rent (AMR), as surveyed annually by CMHC. Annual rent increases in accordance with the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 (RTA) are allowed.
The Table below provides the maximum rent levels for the incoming tenants for the year 2024. Table below also provides the City of Hamilton’s Average Market Rent (AMR) for 2024.
City of Hamilton 2024 Average Market Rent (AMR)
Bedroom Type | Bachelor | 1-Bedroom | 2-Bedroom | 3-Bedroom |
Average Rents | $1,017 | $1,326 | $1,543 | $1,668 |
Homeowners may select any tenant, as long as; (i) they have status in Canada; (ii) have gross household income* not exceeding $72,500, (the income limit under the program at move-in); (iii) do not own a property in Canada.
Program Application
Ontario Renovates Secondary Suite Forgivable Loan Program application deadline has passed and the program has now closed.
Frequently Asked Questions
The maximum amount of funding for the creation of the suite is $50,000 and cannot exceed 75% of the costs of the project. An additional grant of $5,000 will be provided for Homeowners who intend to include accessibility modifications in the unit.
Funding for the development of the Secondary Suite under the Ontario Renovates Program is considered a ‘forgivable loan’ because it is reduced at an equal rate each year for the entire term of 15 years; and,
No payments are required and no interest is charged on the forgivable loan so long as the terms of the forgivable loan agreement are adhered to by the Homeowner(s).
Yes. Loans will be secured by the City of Hamilton through a mortgage registered on title signed by the Homeowner.
Accessibility modifications incorporated in the creation of the secondary unit up to $5,000 will be provided to the homeowner as a Grant and will not be secured through the Promissory note.
The Forgivable Loans are secured to ensure that the City of Hamilton receives notice when a home is sold.
It also ensures that the City of Hamilton is protected in the event of default.
Homeowners will be pre-approved to receive up to $50,000 for the creation of a Secondary Suite in their primary residence. Upon completion of the project, the Homeowner will submit required documents listed below to receive the advance. The total amount provided in any case will not exceed $50,000:
- Copy of the Building Permit or a letter from the Chief Building Official (CBO).
- Clearance from the Building Inspector for completion of framing, plumbing and heating.
- Confirmation of initial and final ESA inspection.
- Copy of ESA certification.
- All paid invoices for all the work completed.
- Full Occupancy Permit.
- Signed Tenant Lease Agreement.
- A copy of a Tenant Income Declaration documents.
- Verification of adequate home insurance.
- Letter from an Occupational Therapist confirming that accessible modifications were completed. This is applicable to Homeowners who included accessibility modification in the project.
- For any Homeowner using a contractor in the creation of the Secondary Suite, all invoices that demonstrate the actual cost injected into the development of the unit must be provided.
- For any homeowner completing the project themselves, they are required to keep all receipts for building materials, contractors, permits and other costs directly related to development of the Secondary Suite excluding your own labour costs.
The City of Hamilton will conduct an annual compliance review as per terms and conditions set out in the Loan Agreement.
- Yes, subject to the Homeowners risk. Being on the Program Waitlist doesn’t guarantee approval for funding from the City of Hamilton
- Only after you receive a letter from the City of Hamilton acknowledging you have been accepted into the program and have a signed a forgivable loan agreement will you become eligible for the loan.
- Considerations will be made for works commenced prior to receiving funding approval from the City of Hamilton. Homeowners will be required to provide proof that:
- A City-issued building permit and related certifications were acquired;
- ESA certifications for all electrical work completed was received;
- In a case where a building permit is not required, the homeowner got confirmation from the CBO that the building permit was not required for the completion of the secondary suite; and;
- all work completed passed all inspections.
To be eligible for the funding, your current total annual household income must not exceed $142,000 or less than 70th percentile as defined and published annually by the Ministry of Municipal Housing and Affairs per Schedule G of COCHI-OPHI Program Guidelines, Appendix D: Maximum Household Income Level.
No. Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative (OPHI) which is the funding being used to support the Ontario Renovates Secondary Suites Program requires that the applicant only own one property and be owner occupied during the 15-year term.
No. Funding can only be used to create or legalize secondary suites within an existing single detached dwelling.
- Yes, construction or repairs must begin no later than 120 days after the Loan agreement has been signed by the homeowner and the City of Hamilton.
- You must have a signed agreement with the City of Hamilton by December 15, 2024
- The expectation is that the construction will be completed within six months of the execution of the loan agreement. Homeowner can request for an extension which can be granted at the discretion of the Service Manager.
- Unit must be occupied no later than 30 days from occupancy approval being granted by the City’s Building Department.
- Some repair work can be done by the homeowner; however only materials, not labour, would be eligible for reimbursement.
- All work requiring certification such as electrical work must receive ESA permit and clearance.
- All work done must be in conformity with a City of Hamilton issued Building Permit
- A licenced contractor must be licensed to work in the City of Hamilton and have liability and Workplace Safety and Insurance Bureau (WSIB) insurance.
- Review the list of City of Hamilton licensed contractors
- You can request an updated list of contractors by emailing City’s licensing office at [email protected].
- Yes. You must possess a building permit or have a letter from the Chief Building Official (CBO) explicitly stating that you do not need a building permit.
- ESA certification is required to satisfy that all the electrical work completed comply to the Ontario Electrical Safety Board.
- In addition, homeowners must comply to the Building Code Act; Property Standards By-Law; all relevant City By-laws; The Electricity Act, 1998, so 1998.c.15, Schedule A and The Ontario Fire Code.
- Homeowners will be required to holdback payments to contractors in compliance with the Construction Act.
Any costs over and above the approved funding amount are the responsibility of the homeowner.
Within 30 days of issuance of occupancy permit by Building Department.
- The unit must be rented to a tenant with a maximum household income of $72,500 or less.
- The unit can be rented to family members who are not dependants of the homeowner.
- The homeowner selects the tenant(s) of their choice.
Rent charged must be affordable and cannot exceed the Average Market Rent (AMR) for the City of Hamilton. The AMR figures are provided in table below*:
Bedroom Type | Bachelor | 1 Bedroom | 2 Bedroom | 3 Bedroom |
Average Rents | $1017 | $1,095 | $1,326 | $1,543 |
*Table will be updated annually at the beginning of the month of October.
Contact [email protected] for updated maximum allowable rents.
You must ensure that the rent portion alone of your rental charges do not exceed the average Market Rent for the City.
No. You can use the Tenancy Agreement of your choice however, it must comply with the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006.
You are required to notify the City within 15days when the tenant vacates.
You have 60 days to fill the unit with a new tenant whose total annual household income should not exceed $72,500 and rent the unit at the average market rent amounts for the City of Hamilton.
You would have defaulted the terms of the Forgivable Loan Agreement.
The City would demand for a repayment, the outstanding balance of the loan together with accrued interest must be repaid to the City of Hamilton. While the outstanding balance remains unpaid, interest will continue to accrue. Interest will continue to accrue on the outstanding balance and the accrued interest due at a variable rate of 2% per annum above the prime rate established by the Bank of Canada calculated and payable monthly, not in advance.
Yes, if all other eligibility requirements are met.
No. Program is limited to adding one SDU to an existing single detached dwelling.
No, it must be rented to a new tenant.
You can contact the Property Tax office by calling (905) 546-2489 or Contact MPAC by calling Toll Free 1-866-296-6722 or www.mpac.ca to request a copy of your MPAC Notice of Assessment.
Modifications to reduce physical barriers related to housing and reasonably related to the occupant’s disability. Examples include, but are not limited to: ramps, handrails, chair and bath lifts, height adjustments to countertops and cues for doorbells/fire alarms. Other modifications may be considered, with supporting documentation, at the discretion of the Service Manager.
Yes, but must be aligned to the eligible costs.
As part of the OPHI program funding requirements, tenant selection and income verification among others, are the responsibilities of the homeowner.
Yes, unless the funding you received for the Homeownership Down Payment Program was in excess of $25,000. Under Ontario Renovates, the maximum funding across the entire Service Manager’s area per unit is capped at $25,000.
Additional Funding & Second Dwelling Information
The Homeowner Ontario Renovates offers financial assistance to low-income households who own and occupy substandard housing to enable them to repair their dwellings to a minimum level of health and safety.
The Person with Disabilities Ontario Renovates offers financial assistance to low income households occupied by persons with disabilities who require special modifications to improve accessibility to their residence.
Assistance Available
Assistance is provided as a 10 year forgivable loan up to a maximum of $25,000 to assist with the cost of certain work required to the home.
If the homeowner remains in the home as their sole and principal residence for the 10 year forgivable loan period, and complies with all program requirements during the term, the loan is interest free and payment free and is completely forgiven after 10 years.
The full amount of the loan is repayable if false information was provided by the applicant and/or the funding is used for purposes other than the approved use. If the homeowner ceases to occupy the home as the sole and principal residence, 10% of the loan is forgiven each year and the pro-rated balance of the loan is repayable.
Homeowners may apply if the value of their house is below a certain value and if their household income is at or below certain levels that are based on the number of people in the household. Eligibility is limited to properties in need of major repair in one or more of the following categories: Structural, Electrical, Plumbing, Heating and Fire Safety.
Program criteria includes but is not limited to:
- applicants must own and occupy the home, which requires work, as their sole and principal residence;
- maximum total household gross annual income at or below $60,000;
- the assessed value of the home must not exceed $300,000;
- the mortgage, property taxes, and home insurance must be paid up-to-date; with no arrears owing.
Approved applicants are required to sign a Loan Agreement to be registered on the title of the home. The cost of a legal representative and registration may be an eligible cost under the program.
Mandatory repairs relating to health and safety and to extending the useful life of the property qualify. It is important to keep in mind that this assistance is for basic mandatory repairs and not repairs to modernize or improve the appearance on the home.
Eligible repairs for Ontario Renovates may include the following activities:
- Repair / replacement required to remedy leaky roofs where deterioration is beyond practical repairs,
- fire safety items
- electrical defects
- repairs / replacement mandated by the local municipal Building Department;
- replacement of a furnace (or the home’s primary heat source) that has been flagged as obsolete and/or at the end of its useful life and/or beyond practical repair and/or has been tagged prohibiting use.
- Modifications to increase accessibility including:
- permanent installations of ramps,
- handrails, chair and bath lifts,
- height adjustments to countertops.
- cues for doorbells/fire alarms.
Any work started prior to the registration of the Loan Agreement on title is not eligible for program funding.
Work must begin within 45 days of date the Loan Agreement is registered on title and be completed within 120 days of commencement.
Program Application
Review eligibility requirements below and print the Ontario Renovates Program Application(PDF, 287.11 KB).
- If you are deemed eligible for the program, submit a fully completed Application Package, including all supporting documentation on page four. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
- By email [email protected]
- By mail or in-person
Housing Services Division
Attention: Loans Officer
350 King Street East, Suite 110
Hamilton ON, L8N 3Y3
If you received previous Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP) funding within the last 15 years or Down payment Assistance Program through the City of Hamilton, you would NOT be eligible for Ontario Renovates.
SLWC (Service Line Warranties of Canada) Cares Program
The demand can often exceed available Homeowner Ontario Renovates funding. Hence, the SLWC Cares program can possibly bridge funding challenges for those applicants with plumbing emergency repairs that need immediate attention.
If you are aware of a homeowner in financial hardship that requires a repair to their water service line, sewer service line or interior plumbing, they may submit an SLWC Cares Application.