Famous Hamiltonian Contest

Vote for the 2025 Famous Hamitonian
Waterfall Edition!
Cast your vote now until Wednesday April 30 at noon.
Winner will be announced at the Heritage Volunteer Service Awards at Dundurn Castle, April 30, 6 pm.
Until Wednesday April 30 we are running our fun annual `Famous Hamiltonian’ contest. This year’s theme is Waterfall City. We have chosen 6 deserving Escarpment Nominees from among our dozens of waterfalls, representing the breadth of our city. Vote for the natural history and aesthetic beauty. Vote for your favourite story of people associated with the waterfalls. Or just vote for the one you have visited most. All make such significant contributions to the story of our City as to be counted as citizens.
This initiative is about getting Hamiltonians to think about the stories that make our home a great place to live. If you think the best waterfall is not on this list, let us know. May the best cascade win!
Maps and more information about safely visiting these and other waterfalls can be found at https://tourismhamilton.com/hamilton-waterfalls-guide/
Cast your vote
Select your choice from the drop-down menu below: