Recreation Positions
Looking for a job with Recreation?
Recruitment for various positions takes place throughout the year.
Need a Standard First Aid with CPR-C qualification?
Sign-up for courses at www.hamilton.ca/recleaders
There are many different job opportunities in recreation. Descriptions of each job and the qualifications are listed. All required qualifications must be clearly identified on your resume and must be for the entire employment period.
Application Process
Your resume must have this information:
- Your current contact information including your name, address, email address and telephone number.
- The name of the school you attend and the name of any schools that you have attended in the past.
- Your current student status, either full-time or part-time.
- The name and number of years of the program you are in (for ex., Bachelor of Applied Health Sciences in Athletic Therapy four-year program).
- The year you are in of your current program (for example, year three of a four-year program).
- The class of your valid Ontario driver’s licence or equivalent.
- A description of paid work experiences and/or volunteer experiences.
- A description of your computer skills.
- A description of your hands-on experience with different types of tools and equipment, including hand held, power tools and gas-operated tools.
- A list of any up-to-date certificates you have. For example, standard first aid and/or CPR-C.
- A list of any associations to which you belong.
To apply for a job, you need to complete the online questionnaire and submit your resume for each job that you want to apply for. You can apply for a job via the current opportunities section of the website or by clicking “Apply Online” above:
- You must include your updated resume. Failure to do so will disqualify your application.
- Make sure your resume is up-to-date with all important information outlining your skills and qualifications in detail before you start the application process.
- Resumes are required to match responses to the questionnaire (i.e. if you answer “yes” to having paid experience working with children recreation, then this should be listed on your resume).
- Any false statements made on your resume will disqualify you or cause your dismissal.
Once the posting has closed, you will not be able to make changes to your resume or online application. Hard copies will not be accepted. You can submit updated resumes while the posting is open.
- All questions on the job questionnaire must be answered. If you do not complete questionnaire(s) in full and submit your resume, you will not be considered for employment.
- Any false statements made on the questionnaire will disqualify you or cause your dismissal.
- We will send you an email confirming that we received your application. You must provide a valid email address and complete the personal profile.
You will only be contacted if you are selected for an interview. We do not give status updates on individual applications.
If you are selected for an interview you will be contacted via email. Ensure you check your junk and spam folders for emails. The email will contain the following information:
- The proposed date and time of your interview.
- The contact name and telephone number you will need to contact to confirm the proposed date and time of your interview.
- The deadline for you to respond.
If you do not contact us by the deadline in the email we send you, we will assume that you are not interested in the position and you will not be given further consideration.
If you are not living in Hamilton due to attending school, you may request a telephone interview. Please contact the person in the email to make alternate arrangements. It is your responsibility to confirm the date and time of your interview.
- You will need to provide two references. A reference is a person who can speak to your work ethic and past experience. It is someone you have directly reported to. If you do not have two work-related references, you can use a teacher or leader in a volunteer group that you have been involved with.
- The decision to conduct reference checks will be at the discretion of the hiring department.
Working with family members
There is an Anti-Nepotism Policy in effect that requires you to disclose any of your relatives that work for the City. Elected officials, appointed officers and City employees are not allowed to influence the hiring process. If you have a relative that currently works for the City, you will be asked to disclose the following information at your interview:
- Name of your relative who works for the City
- Your relation to them
- The department in which they work.
- The location where they work
Additional Requirements
- All recreation positions require a Vulnerable Sector Check or a Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check if you are under the age of 18. These must be completed at your own expense and be submitted before beginning work.
- To obtain your police check, go to the police service in the municipality where you permanently live. Check with your local Police Services to find out identification requirements, cost and payment method.
- When you are offered a job, you must provide an original Vulnerable Sector Check or a Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check with a "Date of Search" of less than 60 days from the hire date. If the "Date of Search" was more than 60 days prior to the hire date, it will not be accepted.
- In order for your application to be considered, you must not have a criminal conviction for which a pardon has not been granted at the time of application and your police check must be satisfactory to the City.
Recreation positions require specific licenses and/or certifications (please refer to each position). At time of assessment (which could be as early as days after the posting closes), you will be asked to provide proof that you possess the required licenses and/or certificates. Ensure all licenses and certifications are clearly identified on your resume.
Standard First Aid with CPR Level C Certification
- All recreation positions require current certification in Standard First Aid with CPR Level "C". You must clearly identify that you have this certification on your resume.
- This certificate must be issued by a training agency recognized by the Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB).
- At time of assessment (which could be as early as days after the posting closes), you will be asked to provide proof that you possess the required certificate(s).
Driver’s License Requirements
Some positions require you to drive City-owned or leased vehicles:
- Indicate the class of your driver's licence on your resume.
- You must not have any demerit points on your full Ontario class G driver’s licence.
- Students holding an Ontario class G1 or G2 driver’s licence will not be allowed to drive City-owned or leased vehicles.
- You will be required to fill in a form to request a licence check from the Ministry of Transportation when you are hired.
The minimum age to volunteer is 13 years. The minimum age requirement is set under the Ministry of Labour, Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) according to the Regulation for Industrial Establishments (R.R.O 1990, Reg. 851).
Camp Counsellors must be at least sixteen (16) years of age within the calendar year as according to the Ontario Camps Association (OCA) Accreditation Guidelines (published January 2017).
Supie Counsellors and Wading Pool Attendants must be at least fourteen (14) years of age at time of application as according to the Regulation for Industrial Establishments (R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 851) made under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA).