Do you want to be notified of:
- Updates on Draft Framework for Processing & Evaluating UBE Applications
- When a privately initiated UBE Application is deemed complete by The City
- Meetings (e.g. Open House, Statutory Public Meeting) related to privately initiated UBE Applications

Charlie Toman
Program Lead, Policy Planning & MCR
City Hall, 4th Floor
71 Main St W, Hamilton
Call 905-546-2424 ext 5863 or
Email [email protected]
The Ontario government has approved significant changes to planning rules through the Provincial Planning Statement, 2024 and Bill 185 that allow private landowners to propose urban boundary expansions of any size and location provided the lands are outside the Greenbelt Plan area. The new rules allow landowners to appeal Council’s refusal or non-decision of urban boundary expansion proposals to the Ontario Land Tribunal, posing a direct challenge to a firm urban boundary and our existing, provincially approved Official Plans.
There is approximately 4,320 hectares of land outside of the Greenbelt Plan Area and outside of the existing urban boundary (referred to as the white belt) which is shown in the map which may be subject to privately initiated urban boundary expansion applications.

Figure 1 Lands which may be subject to privately initiated Urban Boundary Expansion applications.
Draft Framework for Processing & Evaluating Urban Boundary Expansion Applications
In response to the provincial changes, the City of Hamilton has developed a Draft Framework for Processing & Evaluating Urban Boundary Expansion Applications. This framework aims to ensure that any proposed urban boundary expansions are carefully assessed against the City’s priorities by:
- Establishing clear submission requirements by outlining the required technical plans and studies that must accompany any urban boundary expansion application.
- Prioritizing key considerations that matter to Hamilton by establishing a set of considerations for the City's rigorous review process, addressing issues such as impacts on farmland, infrastructure capacity and costs, and financial viability.
- Outlining a clear process for submission, review and public and Indigenous engagement for any urban boundary expansion application, going beyond the minimum requirements of the Planning Act.
Visit engage.hamilton.ca/ubeapplicationframework
Urban Boundary Expansion Area Planning Applications
The City has received Official Plan Amendment Applications requesting or related to the expansion of Hamilton’s urban boundary. For more information on these applications, visit:
- Twenty Road West lands (Area 2 & Area 3) – Urban Boundary Expansion Applications
- Twenty Road West lands (Area 2 & Area 3) – Secondary Plan Application
- White Church Road Lands – Secondary Plan Application
- Elfrida - Urban Boundary Expansion Application
- 159 & 163 Sulphur Springs Road - Urban Boundary Expansion Application
We will update this page as new urban boundary expansion applications are received.