Start The Conversation

Cemeteries Administrative Office
777 York Boulevard
Hamilton, Ontario L8R 2A4
Call 905-546-4704 or
Email [email protected]
Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
We discuss and plan so many big events in our lives; graduations, weddings, new homes, retirement, but no one wants to talk about end of life and the decisions that have to be made. Finding a way to start talking with a loved one may be the most difficult part; however, you might find that once the conversation starts, it may be hard to stop.
We want to assure you that this conversation is easier than you may think. Bringing your family together for an honest conversation about your plans and wishes is the first step. We consistently see that families who take this walk together have greater peace of mind. Now is the time to have the conversation, not when you are in crisis. End-of-life planning is more about living well. It’s about documenting and sharing your plans with those who are most important to you.