2025 Property Tax Monthly Pre-authorized Payment Notices
Monthly pre-authorized property tax payments are withdrawn directly from your financial institution on scheduled dates. This makes the payment process more convenient for property owners and avoids the risk of missed payments and resulting late fees. The City has four monthly pre-authorized payment programs:
- 12-month plan: withdrawals on the 1st of the month for every month in the year
- 12-month plan: withdrawals on the 15th of the month for every month in the year
- 10-month plan: withdrawals on the 1st of the month starting from February to November
- 12-month arrears plan: withdrawals on the last business day of every month of the year
Typically, advanced written notice is provided prior to the City increasing your monthly withdrawal amount. Due to the recent Canada Post strike, the notices were unable to be delivered and the following will be the short-term actions put in place affecting those registered in one of the above monthly payment plan withdrawals for 2025. Please note that taxpayers enrolled in monthly pre-authorized payment plans will not incur penalty and interest charges due to these short-term actions.
12-month plan: Withdrawals on the 1st of the month
If you are enrolled in this program, you will likely notice that your January 1, 2025, monthly property tax withdrawal amount is less, compared to December 1, 2024. The lower amount will be debited from your account.
If the January 1, 2025, amount is higher than your December 1, 2024, the City will continue to withdraw the December 1, 2024, amount until such time as notices have been sent out informing property owners of the higher withdrawal amount.
For those newly enrolled for 2025, or if you did not have a withdrawal on December 1, 2024, no withdrawals will be made until such time as notices have been sent out informing property owners of the withdrawal amount.
12-month plan: withdrawals on the 15th of the month
If you are enrolled in this program, you will likely notice that your January 15, 2025, monthly property tax withdrawal amount is less compared to December 15, 2024. The lower amount will be debited from your account.
If the January 15, 2025, amount is higher than your December 15, 2024, the City will continue to withdraw the December 15, 2024, amount until such time as notices have been send out informing property owners of the higher withdrawal amount.
For those newly enrolled for 2025, or if you did not have a withdrawal on December 15, 2024, no withdrawals will be made until such time as notices have been sent out informing property owners of the withdrawal amount.
10-month plan: withdrawals on the 1st of the month
If you are enrolled in this program, you will likely notice that your February 1, 2025, monthly property tax withdrawal amount is less compared to November 1, 2024. The lower amount will be debited from your account.
If the February 1, 2025, amount is higher than your November 1, 2024, the City will continue to withdraw the November 1, 2024 amount until such time as notices have been send out informing property owners of the higher withdrawal amount.
For those newly enrolled for 2025, or if you did not have a withdrawal on November 1, 2024, no withdrawals will be made until such time as notices have been sent out informing property owners of the withdrawal amount.
12-month arrears plan: withdrawals last business day of the month
If you are enrolled in this program, you have set your monthly withdrawal amount, which remains unchanged until the arrears are paid in full. Your January 31, 2025, monthly withdrawal will be the same as the December 31, 2024 amount.
Contact us
If you have any questions or concerns, email [email protected] or call 905-546-2489.
Five convenient ways to pay your property taxes.
There are five pre-authorized debit payment plans (PAD) options. Benefits include:
Smaller, more manageable monthly payments.
Avoids penalty and interest charges due to missed or late payments.
No administrative fees or extra charges to join.
Your property taxes must be up to date to join (with the exception of the arrears plan).
Download Application for Pre-authorized Debit Plan
Pre-authorized payment plans take effect for upcoming property tax instalments. You may enroll at any time, as long as your property tax instalments are not past due. Once enrolled in a pre-authorized payment plan, you will remain on the plan automatically every year until such time as you advise the City that you wish to cancel.
The pre-authorized payment arrangement is tied to the property. As such, you are required to cancel and reapply if you sell and purchase a new property. The City requires 2 weeks’ written notice to cancel.
Details of each plan
12-month plan: withdrawals on the 1st of the month
Monthly withdrawals on or after the first day of the month from January to December.
12-month plan: withdrawals on the 15th of the month
Monthly withdrawals on or after the fifteenth day of the month from January to December.
10-month plan: withdrawals on the 1st of the month
Monthly withdrawals on or after the first day of the month from February to November.
Installment plan: withdrawals on instalment due dates
Taxes are withdrawn on the instalment due dates, typically being last business day in February, April, June and September.
12-month arrears plan: withdrawals on the last business day of the month
Monthly withdrawals on the last business day of each month from January to December.
This plan is for property tax accounts in arrears, and is an option, upon approval, when a lien is registered.
Applicable penalty and interest charges of 1.25% per month (15% per annum) will continue to be charged until the outstanding taxes are paid in full.
Changes to your pre-authorized debit plan
To make changes to your pre-authorized debit plan:
Cancellations - requests for cancellation from the PAD must be submitted in writing, either in the form of a letter or completion of the Cancellation of Pre-Authorized Payment Plan form. This documentation must be received by the Taxation Division at least two weeks prior to the next scheduled withdrawal date.
Changing bank accounts – – you must submit a new void cheque or a pre-authorized payment form from your bank, clearly identifying your banking information, at least two weeks before the next withdrawal date to allow for the change to be made. Include your name, property address, mailing address (if different from property address) and phone number/email with your submission.
Changing payment plans – you must submit request at least two weeks before the next withdrawal date to allow for the change to be made. Include your name, property address, mailing address (if different from property address) and phone number/email with your submission.
Please submit cancellations or changes to banking information or payment plan via one of the following:
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 905-546-2449
By mail: City of Hamilton
Corporate Services Department, Tax Section
71 Main Street West, 1st Floor
PO Box 2040, STN LCD 1
Hamilton, Ontario L8N 0A3
In person at a Municipal Service Centre
You can pay your taxes at chartered bank or financial institutions. Check with your bank to see if they offer this service. You may have to pay a service charge to the financial institution.
Mail your cheque to:
City of Hamilton
Corporate Services, Taxation Division
71 Main Street West
PO Box 2040 STN LCD 1
Hamilton, Ontario L8N 0A3
Make your cheque payable to the City of Hamilton. Include the roll number on the front of the cheque and include the relevant stub(s) with your cheque. If you need a receipt, include a stamped self-addressed envelope with your payment. You are responsible if your payment arrives after the due date to this office. You will be charged a penalty if your payment is late.
Register with your bank for telephone or computer payment of your property taxes. When adding a payee for online payment, select HAMILTON (CITY) – TAXES. When prompted to input the account number, key in the first 11 digits of the Roll # located in the top left corner of your tax bill.
When you sell your home or relocate to a new property address in Hamilton, you need to update your 11-digit property roll number with your bank.
Guidelines to set up online banking:
Bring tax stubs with your payment to avoid processing delays when you are paying in person. You can either:
Include the first stub with your payment for the 1st instalment due date and retain the second stub to include with your payment for the 2nd instalment.
Include both stubs when paying the bill in full by the 1st instalment due date and submit cheques post-dated for the two instalment due dates.
Payments made on or after date of record have not been deducted from arrears.
Acceptable methods of in person payments include: cash, cheque and debit. Credit card payments will not be accepted.
Location Hours
For up to date location house, visit Municipal Service Centres
Drop box Locations
Leave cheques and payment stubs only.
City Hall (rear door)
Ancaster Municipal Service Centre (parking lot entrance)
Dundas Municipal Service Centre
Glanbrook Municipal Service Centre (front entrance)
Stoney Creek Municipal Service Centre (front entrance)
Have you recently bought and sold a home?
Please make sure that you or your financial institution update your 11 digit property roll number when you sell and relocate to a new property address in Hamilton. Property roll numbers are assigned to the property and not the home owner. Failure to make this change will result in the payment being applied to your former property. To correct the applied payment, a fee will be charged to the new property roll number.