2024 Rate Budget

General Issues Committee - November 21, 2023
General Issues Committee - November 27, 2023
2024 Recommended Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Rate Supported Budget (FCS23100)

Did you know?
Hamilton’s water and sewage system has been around for more than 150 years!
Our infrastructure, just like in other older cities, has many challenges and to fix and improve it, we need to keep investing money over time.
Your Questions Answered
No. We use revenues mainly from your monthly water bills and fees from different types of water or sewer permits.
For a typical residential home with average water consumption, $88.10 for the year or $7.34 per month.
The cost to distribute, collect and treat municipal water and wastewater throughout the City has increased due to extraordinary inflation. The capital renewal and expansion of the City’s overall water/wastewater/stormwater infrastructure continues to increase as aging City infrastructure becomes more costly to operate, maintain and replace.
Hamilton’s water rates are some of the most affordable in southern Ontario. For 2023:
- In Kitchener, the average residential water account would pay $1,628 for water and wastewater services, with an additional $225 stormwater fee per year.
- In St. Catharines, the cost is $1,143 per year for water and wastewater services (stormwater services are included in property taxes).
- In Hamilton, the average residential water account would pay $877 in 2023 for all three services (water, wastewater and stormwater).
The proposed water and sewer budget for 2024 would bring Hamilton's average annual total to $965.
Water bills pay for the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of our water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure.
- Water supply, distribution, support services and infrastructure management with $4.25 billion of water assets
- 4 communal well systems: Carlisle, Freelton, Greensville, Lynden
- 2,131 kms of watermains
- Day-to-day operations and maintenance of 13,942 fire hydrants, 24 water pumping stations, 13 underground water reservoirs and seven water towers
- 74.34 billion litres of water treated through the Woodward water treatment plant (2023 end-of-year projection)
- 170 watermain breaks repaired (2023 end-of-year projection)

- Wastewater treatment, collection, support services and infrastructure management with $7.25 billion of wastewater assets
- 9 combined sewer overflow tanks
- 71 wastewater pumping stations
- 48,325 maintenance holes
- 1,272 kms of sanitary sewer pipe and 574 kms of combined sewer pipe
- 133.919 billion litres of wastewater treated at two wastewater treatment plants (2023 end-of-year projection)

- Stormwater treatment, collection, support services and infrastructure management with $3.14 billion of stormwater assets
- 60 wet stormwater ponds and 61 dry stormwater ponds
- 1,289 kms of storm sewer pipes
- 149 kms of watercourses and 60 kms of municipal drains
- 2 stormwater pumping stations