Growth, Development & Sexuality

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See ideas and resources below that support growth and development. This topic includes strategies and activities related to body image, diversity, healthy relationships, human development and sexual health, living skills (e.g., self-awareness, communication and social skills, thinking skills), self-efficacy and self-esteem.
healthy sexuality
Access sexual health resources for schools to support teaching and learning such as:
- Ophea’s Always Changing resources (March 2022) to support the Human Development & Sexual Health, Health and Physical Education curriculum grades 5-8
- Hamilton Public Health Services Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) for information about STIs
- for information about sexual and reproductive health from the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada. For youth, parents and health professionals.
- Sex Information & Education Council of Canada’s (SIECCAN): Promising Practices Portal, Questions and Answers: Sexual Health Education in Schools and Other Settings and Canadian Guidelines of Sexual Health Education.
- Ophea Approaches to Teaching Healthy Living: A Guide for Secondary Educators For tips and principles for teaching healthy sexuality.
- Egale Genderbread Person: Components of Human Identity for information on the four components of human identity.
- Promoting Relationships & Eliminating Violence Network (PREVNet) for evidence-based programs to address and reduce youth interpersonal violence and promote healthy relationships: Healthy Relationships Series for Educators: Understanding and Preventing Dating Violence, Teen Dating Violence and Healthy Relationships: What Educators Need to Know and How You Can Help – Free Online Training Module for Educators, Preventing Teen Dating Violence: How Educators Can Make a Difference, Preventing Teen Dating Violence: What Educators Need to Know: Supporting Teens Experiencing Dating Violence.
- Draw the Line campaign and related activities from OPHEA for Gender-Based Violence Prevention Education Resources, lesson plans and information on gender-based violence prevention
- White Ribbon for campaigns to support gender based violence prevention.
Provide opportunities to discuss healthy relationships and self-esteem. Celebrate the similarities and differences that exist within the classroom.
Encourage students to become involved in activities that reflect the diversity of the school community such as positive space clubs, diversity clubs or health action teams. Speak to your school administrator and/or PHN for more information.
Identify resources and supports and collaborate with students to build an environment that encourages positive self-esteem, body image, self-confidence and healthy sexuality.
Create displays or multimedia content that depicts the school's diversity and addresses healthy growth and development topics.
Connect students and families to community supports and additional resources such as:
- Hamilton Public Health Services Sexual Health Clinics for information on sexual health; including access to contraception, pregnancy testing, STI treatment and testing, clinic times and locations, or to take a virtual tour.
- Hamilton Birth Control Clinic is a new clinic providing birth control and contraceptive counselling for individuals living in the Greater Hamilton Area.
- The Aids Network provides information on HIV/AIDS prevention, education and support.
- Two-spirit and LGBTQ+ social/support group for parents/caregivers of trans, non-binary, gender non-conforming and gender questioning children and youth, along with a group for the youth themselves to attend, available through HWDSB. Contact HWDSB and request to speak to the Two Spirit and LGBTQIA+ System Social Worker.
- Rainbow Road provides resources for the LGBTQIA2S+ Community
- HWDSB Parent Guide: Health and Physical Education for grade specific information on what is taught through the 2019 Health and Physical Education Curriculum
- Institute for Catholic Education for Ontario Catholic Curriculum, resources, and parent guides.
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