Compost Giveaways

Email [email protected]
Call 905-546-2489

Bring your own pails, shovels, and elbow grease
The City of Hamilton is giving away compost for your lawn, garden, and plants.
Each week throughout the year we pick up your leaf and yard waste as part of the curbside yard waste collection program. After it’s picked up, we process it and turn it into nutrient-rich compost at our outdoor composting facility. Now it’s our turn to give some of this compost back to you!
Giveaway information
You must bring your own shovels and containers
15 minute time limit loading
Compost is for residents only and not available for commercial use
How to use your fresh compost
For vegetable gardens and flower beds, apply 2 cm (3/4" in) of compost and work into the soil.
For new beds add 2 - 5 cm (3/4" to 2" in) of compost and work into the soil to 12 cm (4 3/4" in) in depth, plant and water accordingly.
For top dressing apply 1 to 2 cm (1/2" to 3/4" in) of compost to the lawn and lightly rake the compost into the grass.