Strategic Transportation Network Review

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Public Information Centre #2
We will present the outcomes of the Strategic Transportation Network Review and infrastructure projects for their input.
Date: Thursday, January 18, 2023
Time: 6 to 8 pm
Location: Turner Park Public Library, 352 Rymal Rd E, Hamilton
The City of Hamilton is conducting a strategic transportation network review to support Hamilton’s growth. The City is expected to grow by 236,000 people and 122,000 jobs by 2051. This anticipated growth will create more travel demand and the need for additional transportation infrastructure to manage this demand, while protecting the environment, supporting economic development, and maintaining a high quality of life.
The strategic transportation network review will update the road, transit, and active transportation projects identified in the City’s 2018 Transportation Master Plan and the City’s Growth Related Integrated Development Strategy (GRIDS 2) to reflect a 2041 planning horizon with consideration for 2041 - 2051 growth in the urban boundary expansion areas. The strategic network review will also serve as input to the 2024 Development Charges by-law update. Overall the strategic network review will:
- Align with the 2018 Transportation Master Plan vision and desired outcomes.
- Include other supporting transportation infrastructure such as maintenance facilities.
- Include the anticipated timing of each project.
- Include updated costs of each project.
Frequently Asked Questions
Hamilton is growing rapidly, and the City of Hamilton is undertaking a Strategic Transportation Network Review (STNR) to support growth to the year 2041 with consideration for the 2041 – 2051 growth in the urban boundary expansion areas. This review builds on the City’s existing work – such as the 2018 Transportation Master Plan (TMP) and Growth Related Integrated Development Strategy (GRIDS 2) – to identify future transportation infrastructure requirements and support more people moving around the city. These future requirements will be inputs to the Development Charges By-Law. The transportation inputs will include projects that update the road, transit, and active transportation networks developed in the 2018 TMP. The STNR will:
- Align with the 2018 TMP vision and desired outcomes
- Include other supporting transportation infrastructure (such as maintenance facilities)
- Include the anticipated timing of each project
- Include updated costs of each project
The City of Hamilton’s 2018 Transportation Master Plan titled ‘City in Motion’, is a long-term strategic plan that provides a comprehensive and attainable transportation blueprint for Hamilton that balances all modes of transportation to become a healthier city. It outlines a vision, provides direction for the city’s day-to-day transportation programs and guides future transportation-related studies, projects, initiatives, and decisions. The plan identifies three desired outcomes: a sustainable and balanced transportation system, healthy and safe communities, and economic prosperity and growth. The 2018 TMP is currently in force, and the STNR will align with the vision, desired outcomes and policies of the 2018 TMP.
The City of Hamilton is expected to grow by 236,000 people and 122,000 jobs by 2051. The City is also expanding its urban boundary, providing new areas of land that will be developed in the future. This growth will result in more travel demand and there is a need to accommodate this demand efficiently and sustainably. This means implementing projects that balance the needs of all road users (pedestrians, cyclists, transit riders, trucks and automobile drivers/passengers) and allow Hamiltonians to get to where they need to go, when they need to go, by their preferred mode of transportation.
The STNR draws on previous City of Hamilton plans and policy documents (including the 2019 Development Charges Background Study, 2018 TMP, GRIDS 2, and Airport Employment Growth District Secondary Plan to identify a long list of potential transportation projects to accommodate projected increases in travel demand. These projects will then be evaluated to determine if they align with the goals and desired outcomes of the 2018 TMP.
High-level cost estimates will then be provided for the projects that pass this evaluation process. Finally, the expected timing of each project will be determined. There will also be two consultation periods: one that presents the long list of potential projects and one that presents the draft final list of projects for review and comment.
The City of Hamilton will be hosting two Public Information Centres (PICs), with the first one being held on May 9 at 5:30 pm and the second one being held in fall 2023. The first session will include a live virtual public event. You will have the opportunity to provide comments and project team members will be available to answer questions. In addition, the session recording and presentation will be posted on the City’s website.
Contact the Project Team