Centennial Heights Park

Cynthia Graham, OALA, CSLA
Manager, Landscape Architectural Services
Phone: 905-546-2424 ext 2337
Email: [email protected]
Centennial Heights Park is an active park with several soccer fields, a softball field, two new play structures, play equipment, picnic tables, a park shelter, parking, and washrooms.
City staff began work to implement a new loop pathway project,in Centennial Heights Park in Freelton. This is a council-supported project.
The City’s hired consultant, Terraprobe, began preconstruction investigations including soil testing in alignment with routine provincial regulations related to on-site and excess soil management. Sample results found evidence of mercury, zinc, cadmium and lead within the soil. The levels of these metals are above the Ministry standards for parkland. View the Soil Quality Summary(PDF, 3.24 MB).
Based on the advice of the consultant’s Qualified Professional, the City of Hamilton considers this finding as very low risk for residents and does not require residents to take any precautionary measures because of this finding, but felt it important to inform the community.
The City will continue to keep the public updated on measures taken to remove contaminated soil from this property and will inform residents if it is determined that they should take any necessary precautions.