Official Plan
West Harbour Secondary Plan
The West Harbour Secondary Plan (also known as Setting Sail) is a land use plan for the West Harbour. The Plan focuses on three areas of major change:
- the Waterfront
- the area south of the Canadian National rail yard (Barton-Tiffany)
- the former industrial lands along Ferguson Avenue (Ferguson-Wellington Corridor)
The Secondary Plan was the first of many initiatives for the West Harbour. It establishes the framework for public improvements and private development to promote season-long and year-round enjoyment and appreciation of the waterfront.
Location: Area is bound by York Boulevard to the west, Cannon Street to the south, Wellington Street to the east and Hamilton Harbour to the north.

- November 22, 2023 - Council approved the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments for Pier 8 Block 16. The Amendments were appealed.
- November 14, 2023 - A Statutory Public Meeting was held to consider an Official Plan Amendment to the former City of Hamilton Official Plan and a Zoning By-law Amendment to Zoning By-law 6593. Staff Report
- November 2021 - The City of Hamilton Municipal Land Development Office initiated Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendments Applications for a 45-storey Tall Building Located on Pier 8 Block 16.
- August 2021 - To fulfill the settlement agreement, the City completed the Pier 8 Block 16 Urban Design Guidelines to determine the opportunity and parameters required to accommodate a mid-rise or high-rise development on Block 16. Staff Report
- December 2019 - A settlement was approved by the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal for the appeals to the Pier 8 zoning and subdivision applications. The settlement agreement directed the City to bring forward for Council’s consideration, an amendment to the West Harbour Secondary Plan and zoning by-law to re-designate and re-zone the existing institutional block (Block 16) on Pier 8, to permit either residential or mixed-use development in a mid-rise or high-rise form.
- June 2018 - Council confirmed the selection of The Waterfront Shores Corporation as the Preferred Proponent of the Pier 8 Development Opportunity Request For Proposal (RFP) process.
- May 2017 - Council enacted City-initiated Zoning changes and approved a draft Plan of Subdivision for the lands within the Waterfront area of the City known as Pier 8. The zoning changes and subdivision were appealed to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal.
- May 2016 - Council adopted the Pier 7 and 8 Urban Design Study.
- September 24, 2014 - Council adopted the Barton-Tiffany Urban Design Study, Design Concept and Guidelines and approved the James Street North Mobility Hub Study.
- February 26, 2014 - Council approved the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments for Piers 6 and 7.
- February 4, 2014 - A Statutory Public Meeting was held to consider an Official Plan Amendment to the former City of Hamilton Official Plan and a Zoning By-law Amendment to Zoning By-law 6593 to implement the West Harbour Recreation Master Plan. Staff Report
- January 17, 2014 - The City initiated Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments for Pier 6 and 7 to permit some of the uses proposed in the West Harbour Waterfront Recreational Master Plan for these piers.
- November 2013 - The City of Hamilton appealed Non-decision No. 113 together with other non-decisions for the Urban Hamilton Official Plan to the Ontario Municipal Board (Case number PL131287).
- August 2013 - The Urban Hamilton Official Plan was approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. The West Harbour Secondary Plan area was identified as “Lands Subject to Non-Decision 113”.
- December 27, 2012 - The Secondary Plan was approved by the Ontario Municipal Board and came into full force.
- June 26, 2012 - A decision on the CN Rail Appeal was issued by the Ontario Municipal Board. By-law 12-163 and By-law 12-164
- March 2011 - The City’s Urban Hamilton Official Plan was approved by the Province’s Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. There was no decision (Non-decision No. 113) made regarding the adoption of the West Harbour Secondary Plan because at the time the Ministry was reviewing the Urban Hamilton Official Plan, the West Harbour Secondary Plan was still under appeal.
- April 2005 - The Secondary Plan was appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board.
- March 2005 - The West Harbour Secondary Plan was approved by Council via Official Plan Amendments to the former City of Hamilton Official Plan and the Regional Municipality of Hamilton Wentworth Official Plan.
Approved Secondary Plan
Date modified