If your request is for a specific committee meeting, this form must be received by 12 noon one business day before the scheduled committee meeting.
Requests for written submission/delegation can be submitted up to 12 noon one business day before the scheduled committee meeting.
Pre-recorded video submissions are due by noon 2 business days before the respective Committee meeting
Answers to fields and questions with an asterisk ( * ) are mandatory
Requests to speak to Council are forwarded to the Committee and will be placed on a Committee agenda for consideration. Once considered by Committee, and approved, you will be notified of the date for your presentation.
This form is not for the purpose of presenting unsolicited proposals by Vendors to Committee. Such proposals are subject to a competitive process as required by the City’s Purchasing Policy.
The City of Hamilton has a Lobbyist Registry in place. If you are a lobbyist or intend to lobby the City of Hamilton’s public office holders, please visit www.hamilton.ca/lobbyistregistry for more information about registering.
The City makes a video record of Committee and Council meetings. If you make a presentation to a Committee, the City will be video recording you and will make the recording public by publishing the recording on the City's website.
Additionally, please note that as per Section 5.12 - Delegations in the City’s Procedural By-law 21-021, as Amended:
(10) Delegations respecting labour relation matters, conduct of a member(s) of staff and matters before another body (i.e. Police Services Board) will not be placed on a Committee Agenda and will be forwarded forthwith by the City Clerk to the relevant City Department or body for consideration and appropriate action.
(11) Delegations which are in substance an allegation of a violation of the Code of Conduct or the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act by a member of Council or any member of a local board will not be placed on a Committee agenda and the delegate will be advised of the informal and formal mechanisms for bringing such allegations to the attention of the Integrity Commissioner.
And, as per Section 8 – Order and Decorum - no person in attendance at a meeting shall:
(a) be disrespectful or disrupt the Meeting in any manner;
Notice of Collection
The City collects personal information as authorized under Section 5.12 of the City's Procedural By-law No. 21-021(PDF, 510.67 KB) for the purpose of entertaining individuals requesting an opportunity to appear as a delegation before Committee. The Procedural By-law is a requirement of Section 238(2) of the Municipal Act.
Questions about the collection of personal information can be directed to the Manager, Legislative Services / Deputy Clerk, City Hall, 71 Main St. W., Hamilton, ON L8P 4Y5 905-546-2424 ext. 4304